
Hahahahaaa! You think they read? Sorry, I’m not laughing at you, honestly. I also often wonder why all these advocates of the ‘master race’ have no chins, necks, eyes are practically on top of each other and don’t know how to shave. And while those pillars of the supporters follow guys that I normally would assume are

Posting a video of yourself on Twitter inviting young men to your hotel room adjacent to a large convention seems very, uh, Craigslist-ish.

Speaking as a woman who has asked for more money more than once, knowing what my male peers were making and being able to make a very cogent case for the value of my contribution being higher than my male coworkers... you are wrong when you say that it’s about asking for more money and no other reason. When you are in

Right? I don’t get why they act like this is such a mystery. They have the salary information for all their employees!

They really don’t need a formal review process to figure out why they have a gender pay gap. I can tell them right now:

Truly and I hardcore grew up in Indiana. I’ve grown up with the cultishness of Indiana. All the men in my family are ministers. God always liked to talk to them. I remember asking a uncle why God talked to him and not to me. They never have answers. Joan of arc was epileptic. What the fuck is pences malfunction.

So what they are worshipping is actually the anti-christ? Makes sense

I don’t understand how republicans can love Jesus so much, he was a hippie, ffs! He HATED rich people and called the accumulation of wealth evil. He was all about taking care of the sick and poor. I don’t get it

It’s the “appeal to authority” logical fallacy, with a crispy Christian crust.

Omarosa Manigault-Whatever (she does not get to mononym on my comments) is desperate to maintain her place on the public stage; hence her dishing White House dirty laundry. She is still a despicable person. That said, I believe her.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

So...Jesus saying things to Pence...isn’t that what the rest of us would call ‘thoughts’ or ‘ideas’? I really don’t understand these “Jesus speaks to me” types - how do they know it’s Jesus speaking to them unless they’re actually having psychotic delusions of a diety sitting on their shoulder whispering into their

Oh, you didn’t hear? Repenting isn’t necessary anymore. Just make sure to tick the box next to Republican and all is well.

Mr. Vice-President, I have an important message for you:

That sounds really uncomfortable

Very specific dress-up sexy time where someone wants to show as much skin as possible but not go completely commando? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not speaking from experience but some googling shows it’s rigid so it kind of ‘cuffs’ around one’s nethers from the tailbone to just north of the labia.

Genuinely thought that was Zac Efron dressing up badly as George Michael.

What even is a strapless thong? Is it like those protective strips they put on bathing suit crotches, but instead of the bathing suit, it’s you? Or in this case, Dakota Johnson.