
Once again, Trump and his cronies make what used to be the national inner dialog into the national public dialog. Once again, the American people can proudly proclaim that women are lying bitches, blacks are criminals, and Mexicans and other immigrants are either lazy or terrorists.

Is he talking about Hillary/Benghazi or Obama/Birth Certificate?

How can anyone be surprised about any of this? Just a few short months ago, the White House, President and Republican Party were openly campaigning for an alleged pedophile.

“There is no recovery for someone falsely accused.”


Taking advantage of #metoo?

I’ve always noticed that, too, because if I were exiled from the lives of my three children I would lose my bloody mind in three equal portions, god knows. For the past decade or so, I’ve wondered if Allen’s silence regarding Ronan is because he’s afraid of him. Ronan is smarter, sympathetic, has the unimpeachable

If you come forward when it happens, you must be untrustworthy because “it’s only one accuser.” If you come forward years down the road when there are other accusers already going public it’s “why did you wait so long to come forward?”

I can’t believe the editor of the NYT actually let this shit fly. That is one of the single grossest arguments I have ever heard in my entire life and it’s so intellectually and morally vacant that it blows my fucking mind. I would say that I hope the author is ashamed of himself for writing this, but I genuinely

I also find it very telling that Allen is completely indifferent to the lack of a relationship with his son Ronan. His focus is always on Dylan.

And rich coming from someone who is quite literally being an opportunist and taking advantage of both the #metoo movement and Dylan’s story to further his own career by writing this extremely hot take.

We are talking about a man who has been OPEN about being into underage girls since...well, since at least Manhattan. I don’t get the confusion?

NYT, when you run an affirmative action program for white men with shitty opinions, this is what you get. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.

Annoyed that announcers at least twice got me all defensive about Giselle by referring to her as “Mrs Tom Brady.” Not a fan of her or Tom, but what the ever-lovin’ dismissiveness?

I went to some of the Super Bowl Live stuff over the weekend and there was a Paisley Park exhibit where they showed Prince’s halftime show on a loop. I think they should have just shown that this year instead.

One of my friends posted 6 separate Prince side-eye gifs on FB following that mediocre halftime mess. 😆👏🏾😆

It’s been snowing like crazy all day and it’s freezing, and I’ve been continually delighted that my party invite was from the guy downstairs.

Minnesota misses Prince so much. We’re going to be sad forever😞.

Did Justin have bricks in his shoes? He could barely keep up with his backup dancers. That show was mediocre at best. I hope Janet is somewhere laughing her ass off at that show.

I’m guessing one of the reasons she got this gig is because she -didn’t- do that. The NFL would shit itself if any performer talked about CTE, domestic violence, BLM, Tom Brady cheating, the national anthem, the Ray Rice video, etc.