
I hear you! I just turned 46 and probably have 10 years to go. I started some bullshit perimenopause symptoms last June (mental, physical, hormonal, you name it), and am currently experiencing my first ever week of fucked up spotting post period. MY mom and sister didn’t have menopause until 55/56. UGH

It’s probably The Simpson’s: Tapped Out. I played almost daily for 4 years, yes, it’s that awesome!   

There’s usually lidicaine in the injection, which is why relief can feel immediate for some people. The cortisone starts really improving things by day 2 for most people. Not all doctors do a good job getting the injections in just the right place; does your doc have a lot of experience injecting shoulders? If not

My kids are 17 and 20 now. The only thing I’ve ever seen for myself and other moms that really works without fighting is for mom to leave the house for hours, with no instructions for dad. Let him figure it out. No, it’s not fair you have to leave your own house, but it avoids him treating you like the font of all

As a former quilter, just wanted to say I love your design and the prints!! All the quilts I sent out for quilting are still holding up, so much better than when I did my own (terrible) stitch in the ditch method. I wish you many years of enjoyment with this lovely piece.

I took my kids last year, but couldn’t go today. I spent the morning writing postcards to voters ( It’s fun, easy, takes very little time, and you don’t need to talk to anyone :) WI flipped a special election seat held by R’s for 20 years, and I like to think I helped! The online

I started doing Postcards To Voters last week. Anyone else doing it? As an introvert, I love that I can still participate in Get Out The Vote, and maybe brighten someone’s day with a colorful handwritten piece of mail. They give you all the talking points and it’s an active positive community on Twitter, Facebook,

Everyone told me my kids and I would love it. We watched at home after it came out on DVD. JFC it was creepy and all around horrible I have zero idea how this is a beloved Christmas movie. The abject poverty of the one kid, so many creepy adults, scene with a hobo on top of a freezing train with a kid in pajamas,

He’s the real life version of the Guy In Your MFA Twitter feed.

I’ve never seen the show and thoroughly enjoyed the article! I was actually laughing so hard after the first paragraph I had to read it aloud to my 20yo kid.

It took 18 months for my 4yo cat to form some equilibrium with a 6 month old kitten. It’s TOUGH.

Thanks for posting this! I’m on the very edge of her district,and have an R rep in Congress thanks to gerrymandering. I wish she was my representative. I’m thrilled she’s doing such good work!

They make purse size footrests that slide open and pop legs out. It gives you an about 4” high by 14-16” footrest. , folds flat to about 12” x 1”.

Really? Fidelity was NEVER asked for a reference. I call bullshit.

Yes! As a short person sitting all day without being occasionally able to put your feet up, it is so uncomfortable. Alternative is to carry a tiny folding footrest everywhere (I’ve done this, it feels so dumb). When I was in PT for a hip problem I got a huge lecture about short people getting everything messed up

My daughter FINALLY had gender confirmation surgery on Thursday. I had posted how she got sick the day before surgery a few weeks ago and we had to reschedule. After 2 years of waiting I’m so relieved it’s done! I want to thank everyone who was so supportive in SNS. Recovery will be long but hopefully uneventful :)

Every day the palette reminds me of a cutesy scrapbooking mom from the 2000’s. And that’s why these colors grate on me (shudder).

In downtown Seattle the historic Macy’s building only has 2 floors for the store, the rest is about to be Amazon.

Yes! I’m having the same problem. I can only login on my iPad now, probably because I haven’t done the latest software update on it. I suspect the update is the problem. SO FRUSTRATING.

I know, isn’t it ridiculous!?!? I love my cable so much <3