
I love Anker! I especially love the 1 foot one for the kitchen counter, it doesn’t take up any counter space unless a phone is charging on it pulling it down.

This sounds dumb, but my husband got me a 9 foot charging cord for my iPad. At the time (a few years ago) I didn’t know such things existed. He’d noticed me sitting awkwardly near my charger and surprised me with it. It was so thoughtful and solved a frustration I didn’t realize I was having.

The kicker is health insurance, at least in the US. Especially if Obamacare exchanges close. I know people who retired early (tech industry), but had to go back to work after a few years because healthcare costs were eating through their funds faster than expected.

OMG YES. WTF were they thinking? Chasing cattle with strange objects (nets) and hovering helicopters is about the dumbest thing they could do. They couldn’t get a single person on the phone who had any cattle experience? Or even googled “how to catch escaped livestock”:  

Interesting. My brother runs a small business there and has yet to be mugged, shot, or murdered in 20 years. Hmmm.....could it be that Infowars is spreading their ‘truth’ again?

I adopted my two bunnies from the local Humane Society. 11 month old sisters, they were somebody’s ‘unexpected litter’. I’ve had them over 7 years, still going strong. The adoption fees for critters is usually ridiculously low. My Humane Society intermittently has Guinea pigs, reptiles, turtles, small rodents, and

I totally agree. Want to know your dog’s temperament? Adopt an adult dog.

On Bored Panda there was an article about unexpected search results as a result of misspelling. The first one was Baroque Obama. The image is amazing, and reading about Kehinde Wiley painting people in Baroque environments makes me wish for something like that image to end up in the Portrait Gallery :D

I wonder this too, it was a horrifying yet super plausible assault.

Thank you for this article. I was wondering how states were preparing for the influx of refugees from PR since it’s obvious the Federal government isn’t going to do anything.

I’m going to watch last night’s episode today, so glad the twins are gone, they were AWFUL. A lot of the other designers are actually really interesting and creative, with way less drama than some seasons had. Besides the twins, I’ve actually enjoyed the show a lot.

Women have options we have to try (very expensively) until we finally hit on the perfect hormone mix / iud / etc. Sometimes taking YEARS and lots of side effects along the way. Guys can try like 20 brands in a few weeks, and be out $20, no side effects, and they still complain.

TIL Hayden Christiensen, seared in my mind from those shitty Star Wars prequels, has reproduced.

I worked a teen crisis line for a year. Adult men would call in and sexually harass whoever answered the phone. We had a notebook with a running list of their stories so when they started in with their innocuous story we knew it was about to turn into a shitshow and hang up.

My obgyn has 3 kids, had her first during residency. I asked her once how she managed and she said she only could because her husband was a full time stay at home dad until the kids were off at college.

My husband had his vasectomy under those (autistic) 3yo, a newborn baby, and I was having a flare up of a painful autoimmune disease. I don’t remember him really being down for more than 24 hours, it really wasn’t a big deal. I can’t imagine if your life is on the line that he can’t get a Friday

Yes. All the dramas I enjoyed last year... ugh, new seasons came out and everything is so horrible I can’t watch. House of Cards? OITNB? Walking Dead? Can’t deal. I’m finding myself watching the blandest shows now.

YES. I’ve been a sci fi fan my whole life (in my 40’s now) and have no desire to see more sci fi aimed at the male gaze, with some ‘romantic’ sexual assault or stalking thrown in, and the main character end up with a hot trophy woman at the end. JFC just typing that made me grind my teeth.

IKR? Several of the most problematic people from the discussion are all over today’s threads. It’s almost like when women talk, it’s cool to just ignore it and go about business as usual.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Male orange tabbys are usually such wonderful companions. I had 2 brothers until a few years ago. I always get more pets, but they never replace the ones who came before. They just make it a little easier to bear.