
I would read a book with any of those covers. They are gorgeous!

I am so sorry! Sometimes people in relationships fight, especially when under stress like traveling, but doubling down on his bullshit after some time has passed? That’s a dealbreaker. I have friends going through breakups (we’re all in our 40’s) and I don’t think it ever gets easier. Even with a lot of life

It’s Joker and Thief.

THANK YOU. So much creepy stuff with that guy.

That commentor makes my skin crawl so much. So many creepy incest comments over time about his kid, his sister, etc. And then people respond and fawn over him trying to help, it just reinforces the gross behavior.

I posted last week in SNS about my kid finally getting gender confirmation surgery. Well, the day before surgery my kid got sick and at pre-op, they decided to postpone surgery. So back home driving SF to Seattle with a sick kid, and we rescheduled for the next available date, 2.5 weeks from now. Luckily the Air BnB

Yes to this. My husband and I wanted to get married in a park by anyone who could officiate. Families insisted on an actual wedding (only 65 people but it felt lik 300). A lot of times the wedding IS about the families. We fled 2 days after to the other side of the country. I swear we’re never getting divorced

I bought one of those for an elderly relative with dementia and sometimes it was the only thing to calm her. The facility ended up buying a whole bunch, they actually helped a lot a patients.

When I was trapped at home with small kids and a chronic illness, I was sooo grateful for the internet (mailing lists and yahoo groups in those days). I had friends to chat with daily and several became real life friends. Technology has improved the social connections for many with disabilities and introverts. I

I thought the same. Isn’t Khloe’s house big enough they could each have their own wing? I know nothing about her house, just assuming it’s huge based on ostentatious lifestyle.

Thank you Donna! Recovery is always so personal, but I’m crossing my fingers that being 20yo means bouncing back faster than I would.

Thank you so much!

It’s odorless and tasteless, and just a tiny amount works great!

After a 2 year wait and about a million hoops jumped through, my 20yo is having gender confirmation surgery on Tues morning. I’m exhausted, worried (normal not wanting to see my child in pain stuff) and happy. I’m really looking forward to moving on from this phase of my life. My kid is on the autism spectrum so

YES. Sometimes I wonder if 50% of the reason I married my husband is because he smells so goddamn good to me.

Aquaphor. They sell teeny tiny travel sizes that are great for lips. It’s not fancy but it works like nothing else.

This might sound cliche and stupid, but the ONLY times in my life I’ve consistently exercised and enjoyed it was when I had an exercise machine at home. Going to the gym is hard inertia to overcome (getting changed, going there, watching already fit people do amazing things). At home no one sees how slowly I ramp up

Unless you see amazing opportunities for the kids, I’d say stay. You cannot replicate the relationships you have with your neighbors and won’t you and your husband be stressed out without your peaceful nature / slower pace of life outlets? The support from excellent relationships while dealing with little kids,

Anyone on a biological medication for autoimmune disease (ranging from Rheumatoid arthritis to Crohn’s to Lupus etc) is more susceptible to flu. That’s literally millions of people with invisible diseases. Please everyone get your flu shots.

I have about 25% pure white in my medium to light brown hair. I’m 45 and LITERALLY the only person I know not dyeing my hair. It’s very weird, and it does freak out a lot of people.