
I just saw the terra cotta warriors exhibition here in Seattle, and the unbreached tomb is supposed to have rivers of mercury inside. It’s interesting that this site, across the world, has something similar.

Yup. We couldn’t have had the world  population explosion without the better food supply, but now maintaining the better food supply is making the world unhealthy for that same ever expanding population.

That’s just it...without pesticides and herbicides we couldn’t support the world’s population and there would be mass starvation. There is NO WAY to produce enough yield without pesticides/herbicides.

I read Brokeback Mountain (years after seeing the movie) and it was one of the most beautiful pieces of short fiction I’ve ever read. The movie definitely captured the feeling of her writing, but reading the words and being transported in a way I didn’t expect was wonderful.

My family pays workers up to $20/hr plus benefits and they STILL can’t find anyone willing to do a skilled yet often dirty job with long hours and lots of physical labor. They cannot provide housing which many larger farmers do, especially when hiring a load of undocumented workers. Dairy farmers are oftentimes

Do you have a link to that card? That would be AMAZING. I have an autoimmune disease and my young adult kid has autism. I’ve been fending off ‘helpful suggestions’ for DECADES. It’s such bullshit.

I’m feeling great (remission of my autoimmune disease) after 13 years of nothing helping my debilitating pain. Holy shit I forgot what it’s like. I don’t think anyone who hasn’t experienced it can really understand how it takes over your life 100%. I’m going to experience it again because remissions don’t really

Absolutely my mistake. I realized it past editing time. Thank you for the correction.

My family has a small dairy in WI, and EVERYONE around them has their farms run on illegal immigrant labor. Apparently it’s become very common throughout the dairy industry. No one else wants to do the work. And most of the areas voted for Trump. What did they think was going to happen to their labor pool? Did

I got the original scent and honestly, a courtesy flush is more effective. None of us liked the artificial fragrance. You could try just a few drops of essential oils instead of this stuff, that way you could get a scent you actually like.

My husband is at Microsoft and yes, women tend to stay. There is a lot of opportunity and mobility within the company, career wise. So people aren’t trapped in one group / manager / project if it’s a bad fit.

Bought that stuff. Husband refused to use it. Yes, we have minor poop wars in my house. And a lot of open windows.

THANK YOU. I’ve taught my kids to do this. My husband refuses to. So the smell permeates the whole gd house. I’m assuming the men’s bathroom REEKS with no one else courtesy flushing while they sit atop a stinking bowl for 20 minutes.

Well, HRC had a lot to do with CHIP so I expected R’s to destroy it just out of spite for her.

I was chronic pain patient as well for a decade. Cracking down on opiodes is really scary for people who need those meds to live a bare semblance of a normal life. It is humiliating and frustrating getting your meds depending on the state regulations.

I just caught up on the current season and watched that exchange in disgust. I especially love it when a large male designer complains that his model is ‘too big’ when she’s maybe size 2 vs size 0.

I’m not kidding with this: I was in an Old Navy and the super high display item was to the ground. I’m 5'2" and I was like WTF? It was way taller than my tall teenage son.

Wow, that’s the holy grail for me: petite plus sizes. I’m moving to Canada.

Maybe you live in a different area than me. Here it’s $180/year which is pretty steep for a casual group. It’s more if you don’t pay 6 months at a time.

The owner of the group has to pay, sometimes quite a bit depending on the size of the group. Hence eventually moving the established group to a free platform.