
Hanging up on people with a flip phone was just so satisfying. I used to flip my motorola shut and hurl it against the wall and that thing was fine.

If it helps, this has been fairly widely condemned in Australia as skeevy and gross and sexist and creepy and repugnant. No one is excusing it - and 60 Minutes (and A Current Affair) are basically known as trashy, exploitative TV with morally questionable ‘gotcha!’ tactics.

That is such a fucking weird thing to ask people to do. What’s the point? Except for elementary school teachers and maybe graphic artists, I don’t think being competent in cursive is considered an advanteous job skill. I think it’s a good thing to make sure that adults retain their ability to hand write things out

That was how I learned that if I just keep doing what I want, eventually, I would break the spirits of my oppressors. Normally you have to make it to adulthood to find that out, but I learned it by the third grade. “You’re still just going to keep doing that, aren’t you?” is a phrase I stopped hearing a long, long

God. I remember having to copy out an entire paragraph in cursive to take my GRE over a decade ago. At that point I hadn’t written anything in cursive in about 15 years and I basically couldn’t do it.

I was seriously considering those—I’m always looking for fat pens since they hurt less to hold, but those grips look like they’d be actually kind of helpful.

I come from a long line of teachers. For YEARS, everyone tried to get me to hold my pencil “correctly” (I seem to hold it just like you). I remember being so frustrated because I could write quite nicely holding it the way I was comfortable with, and can write only barely legibly when doing it the other way. I

Fancy! So many colors, so many choices. I kind of love these.

When I was in maybe third grade a teacher told me I would never graduate from college because I hold my pencil incorrectly. I remember it to this day, crystal clear.

It is pretty amazing how your writing skills can tank after you leave schools. I have basically lost my ability to write in cursive. Even writing out my full name as a signature takes more effort than it used to as I have gotten into the habit of just initialing shit because of how small some of the signature

My preschooler has an hour of writing and drawing practice every day. I actually feel it’s a little excessive. When I long-hand write for 3 minutes my hand hurts.

I’m a lefty and always had a huge bump during school. My middle finger is still slightly deformed.

I do second-finger and it is allegedly wrong too...but I went to a hippie school where they felt you could hold it any way you wanted, provided you wrote ok. I write very fast and clearly in spite of the second-finger grip.

Similar experience here. I learned to write back in the dark ages, and I still endured seemingly endless criticism about my pencil holding skills. I’ve tried using the “correct” grip (and those pencils stamped markings showing you where to put everything) and my handwriting goes to absolute shit. Somehow, I became a

Not a parent, but I have two niblings aged 2 and 4 and....they seem pretty normal. We color and draw all the time, they don’t seem to hold their pencils all fucked up, but I do, and I’m 31 (on Thursday)

I have never held them correctly either. It was willful. My early teachers tried and tried, and I refused, because the way I hold them works great for me. And I’m a professional graphic designer, so things worked out fine.

I had to address six envelopes today and IT WAS REALLY HARD YOU GUYS. I have definitely atrophied since essay question exams of yore.

I’ve always held my pencil “wrong” — I’m right-handed and grip it so it rests on my third finger (supposedly this is how lefties tend to do it). As a result, I have a HUGE callus bump on my ring a little pillow for my pencil. It’s gone down a little since I graduated/stopped taking notes every day, but

I have never held them correctly and it has nothing to do with iPads. I assume someone tried to teach me when I was a child but something must’ve gone wrong because the way I hold pens and pencils causes me to basically stab my own hand with my nails if I have to write a lot or very fast. I’ve tried doing it the

What I love the most isn’t just that the interviewer asked those questions, but that when they were editing the interview, they felt that including them was the right decision. Some brilliant decision making there.