
Exactly! I’m having a shit day for no particular reason and listened to LeVar and cooked / baked all afternoon. He’s just so soothing, even if the story is meh.

I only watched Season 1 two weeks ago after Jezzies were talking about it on SNS. Season 2 came out yesterday and I stayed up way too late watching all 6 episodes.

I just started this! I’m about halfway through the stories. I could listen to LeVar ALL DAY LONG.

There’s a newish podcast called Nancy about LGBTQ issues. LOVE the hosts.

Snap Judgment. My personal fave.

Meetup. Not fantastic depending on where you live, but I keep going back to it. Groups seem to start there, then migrate to Facebook once well established, as Meetup isn’t cheap.

Anyone want to talk about Season 2 of One Mississippi? (Spoilers obviously).

Me too sarahmas, me too. I can read political stuff, but anything to do with Hillary makes me feel either numb or weepy.

28 years together, 25 married. Met in college. A surprising number of friends are still happily married.

I loved Cable Girls! Great show.

I didn’t know there was a new season..thank you! I love PR :)

If you get one, practice at home with lots of treats!

I’ve had follow up to a mammogram twice separated by a few years (one an ultrasound one a more zoomed in scan) and I was FUCKING TERRIFIED and there’s zero history of cancer in my family. It just is really really scary (((hugs)))). My scans showed nothing bad btw, most don’t.

Those are THE CUTEST projects I’ve ever seen!

I know this seems like bullshit advice, but could you need a med change? I changed meds that had seemed to work ok for about 8 years, about a year ago, and everything just seems more manageable. I still have a few days a month of debilitating depression/anxiety but the rest of the days it’s so much better. I

There’s a newer 3 or 4 year one with less hormones. Considering it for the same reason you are. My obgyn said it’s only rated for birth control for that amount of time, bit if just used to help peri menopause periods she said it can work up to 7-10 years to reduce uterine lining buildup, easing periods and taking me

I’m dealing with peri menopause periods, my obgyn suggested a newish IUD with WAY less hormones than Mirena. I forget the name, but you could ask or research if you want a hormonal IUD but are wary of the Mirena. I’ve had a copper IUD in the past as extra hormones and I don’t mix. Only considering the tiny hormone

Currently have the following rescues: 2 kitties and 2 bunnies. Had the bunnies for 6 years, one of the cats for 3yrs, the other cat for 2 years. Many cats and a dog in prior years.

Ditto goddessoftransitory. Hubby and I couldn’t take a honeymoon until 18 mo after the wedding. So we did a few days of seeing local stuff and unwinding. It was wonderful, and we pretty much lived off our delicious cake leftovers during that time.

Tell me about it! I feel like I missed 3+ weeks of doing summer stuff with my teens because it was too hot and smoky to really do anything. Driving a long way, the car A/C couldn’t keep up (had it checked, it’s fine, it was just too damn hot). Today took a day trip before the heat and smoke hits again. I usually