
We started watching Altered Carbon tonight and it’s pretty interesting in a dystopian future kind of way. We watched 4 episodes before we realized what happened.  

Holy shitsnacks! There’s a reason you loathe her! May I recommend some Benadryl Meltaways for your car for the future, and to get a witch to put some protective symbols on your house or something? Holy Cow!

So I’m in a towering rage. Took my son to ride my SiL’s giant pony today and he developed a significant allergic reaction to something at the barn, we were on our way home when it got worse so I pulled over and called my MiL who lived close by. Long story short, she gave my 3 year old a fucking espresso and told me I

Here’s one of my favorite bits from Captain Awkward:

You know it’s all starting to make sense now. All these young actresses who were child stars and were falling out of clubs in their 20s, punching people, having quickie marriages and dealing with addiction were dealing with some major PTSD. I can’t believe it never occurred to me earlier.

All I wanted was to be left alone, too, so I feel you there. One of the things that I realized last year when I lost someone close was that memorial services are way more of a performance than a soothing thing for the family. I spent a lot of time at the viewing avoiding people and ducking into the back room reserved

I can only imagine. I hate people fussing over me when I’m depressed and that isn’t even a tenth of what you’re experiencing.

Can you ask those really good best friends to basically be a protective shield and run interference? Can you attend the service and then slip out and have them handle the receiving line? Have them handle the repast? I wish I could be a body guard/emotional guard for you right now.

I don’t want to go to my husband’s memorial service on Monday.

I haven’t seen that. Will look now. But (completely unrelated), I DID see the live speeches from the families of the two students who were shot and killed in KY and “It was Jesus calling her home” and “god is so great” and “glory be to god”. Wat? I had teared up when one of them first started talking, but by the end

Tapped Out! It’s one of those “collect things and build your city” kind of freemium games, so it’s really a game in name only — no strategy, no way to win or lose. But fun and very addictive, if you’re one of those people who gets into collecting mode and needs to get everything.

aw Maya! I haven’t been around much lately but I remember you talking about your super shitty ex a few months back, and how you landed in this situation so I’m so happy to hear you got a place!! you can get essential furniture cheap from people online I bet, and then slowly add in the nonessentials. Yay!

Holy moly SNS is here and so am I. Firstly, hi. I’ve got a lot on my mind and I’ve been drinking wine coolers so bear with me.

When I separated from the Marines I moved to Vegas for a job and I didn’t have any furniture. I stayed for a couple of months in a furnished apartment/hotel type place while I was saving up and looking for an apartment (I didn’t want to only look online without knowing the area, etc). It’s only now, like 4 years

I babysat a 2-year-old twice this week without crying once. By which I mean that I did not cry. (The Small Thing cried, of course, but the Small Thing is two.) I am not good with children, so the lack of crying on my part is cause for celebration.

Lately, I’ve felt really tired and, kind of, out of touch? Like, I have difficulty caring about or enjoying anything and I worry constantly. Lady Bird (my puppy) is growing tremendously, but I worry a lot that I’m not giving her the attention she needs. My husband and I have been fighting a lot. I’m taking a TON of

Okay so I would love input from people who have struggled with infertility. Because I am struggling. We unexpectedly had my son 4 years ago. It was a textbook pregnancy. I just assumed when we wanted a second, voila: baby! Well I have had 3 miscarriages in a year. One at 12 weeks, at home, that was profoundly

I got a new iPad yesterday! I’ve never had one — I just use my iPhone 6 for everything. But this is amazing. I can finally really see my Simpsons game! Reading is so much easier! I have a keyboard to use for comments! How did I live before this?

Ya know, I understand that nothing new horrible happened today, but I’m still in mourning about Dreadful Orange One’s declaration of the tariffs he’s apparently able to put on imported solar panels and components. While it would be good if the U.S. manufactured more of our own solar components, we missed the boat on

I put one of my dogs down today. He was about 13 years old and had congestive heart failure. He’s been with me through some of the shittiest times of my life, and no matter how bad things were he always managed to cheer me up. Then to make matters worse, my ex sent me a message on Facebook saying he was sorry about my