
leave the house for hours, with no instructions for dad. Let him figure it out.

Snacks, water, water, water and sunscreen! And be prepared to go in and out if they overload and need a break.

Wishing the best for you and your family. In case no one has thanked your husband lately for his service, please thank him for me. I know he isn’t in the military, but public employees keep things running and should be appreciated.

Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, and other female science pioneers in a tableau of the sciences?

And that the guy who sent it to her really thought it was fine to send a rape fantasy to a twelve year old.

You guys, Tammy Duckworth finally went there:

I know she’s also white, but perhaps Jane Goodall, or another scientist/environmental activist? Since one of the themes is education, and the ideas of the pursuit of knowledge, protection of animals/the environment, and working towards the betterment of all mankind are certainly all things I would imagine going on in

Yes! Many now are GPS-enabled (this is new in my area though so we are working out the kinks). It can give you some independence back and allow you to stay in your own home. Please let me know if you decide to go that route and how it works for you!

It was my birthday a couple days ago. It was a “milestone” one, guess you could say. In that the reality of having waaaay more bdays behind me than ahead of me was very stark. Which fired up the nuclear depression reactor big time. So, I decided to give myself a present. I’m going to give therapy another shot.

Here’s my super cool Saturday night so far: put toddler to bed, prep for turkey chili tomorrow so everything can just be dumped in the crockpot, Duolingo lessons in Spanish, Esperanto, and Japanese, NYT Sunday crossword until I got frustrated and will probably finish in like a week, and now I’m knitting myself a hat.

So work complaint: this week we fired someone from our satellite office in the South (I’ll leave it at that) due to major performance issues but later came to find out this individual was having sex in the office after hours as well as bringing guns, as in Ar-15s and other semi automatic weapons into work. A few

From Tuesday to Friday my husband and I were away in Southern California to check up on his parents.

Imagine how foolish I felt that time I went to urgent care with hives all over the lower part of my body and it took an entire circle of med students staring at my bare ass to diagnose me with an allergy to the dye in my new pants.

I’ve had 2 cortisone shots for plantar fascitis. The injections were incredibly painful in the bottom of my left foot, but I felt relief immediately. My doctor said that the cortisone “lasts” for 10 years, but the pain came back 13 years after the 1st shot.

hehe, I found out that my new VPN wasn’t working because I was holding the wrong mouse key when I pulled down the menu. (I switched to Ubuntu operating system and occasionally simple windows tasks are a lot more complicated.) I spend about 3 weeks researching and reinstalling my network manager trying figure out why

I had them in my knee several times, and they worked within hours. I almost said “if not immediately”, but then decided I might be romanticizing the experience in hindsight. Anyway—they worked fast and well.

Evening Jezzies, how are you all tonight?

I am racking my brain trying to remember a journal I saw on Amazon. I think it begins with a K. It’s a sort of diary and asks questions and doesn’t leave a lot of space for your notes. Kind of like a bullet journal. I’ve Googled. I’ve searched Amazon diaries and journals. I am positive I saw it on Amazon. I can’t even

I loved “The Professional” - perhaps seeing it for the first time while visiting Amish country enhanced the viewing experience.