
Maybe by staying quiet until She had all the facts? All they basically did was make the writer’s situation even worse by inserting themselves into the story.

Is anyone else as apprehensive about the Olympics being in S. Korea this year as I am? Certainly, I hope it goes well and without incident, but it seems like too big a temptation for mischief from the north.

I would just like to share the greatest uniform ever.

This is exactly the scenario my husband sees. Once the kid gets enough to check out their own stuff, the parents get angry at library employees over the years of accrued fines on the account they opened when the kid was in diapers.

This is just so unfortunate all the way around. This is what the patriarchy does to you.

I feel you. It is delicate for someone to tell a patron they should clean themselves because it offends other patrons and staff. We had a guy come in at a branch who seemed to be nice and intelligent,  But he wore pants that were in tatters and exposed his bum and sit on the comfy armchairs to read.  Patrons

How she acted afterwards does not denote whether or not it happened and is not itself proof.

Note: using a condom doesn’t prevent the spread of herpes.

I volunteered for many years at an Oxfam secondhand shop, and was baffled by the sheer number of air fresheners and Febreeze-type sprays under the counter. They told me “You’ll see”.

Or the people who watch porn at the public computers. My mom’s a librarian and had to deal with that occasionally. I think it’s legal as long as it’s in the adult’s computer section, the person is not exposing themselves, and (obviously) it’s not child pornography. The other thing was people getting all

Meh, it’s not just libraries. What you are experiencing is called “regular Americans” and you will encounter them in most service-oriented situations. I used to work at a branch bank in a busy part of Houston and I have many similar stories. Anyone who still wonders how Trump got elected should go sit on the side of

Like what? What could possibly preclude him from rape? And don’t say gay— gay men have raped women before, too. Shit, even if he doesn’t have a fucking DICK he could have raped her.

Same as the Taylor Swift cycle. White women get an infinite number of “second” chances.

Own your age people. I promise you will look loads better than if you try to spackle over the wrinkles. Or have them surgically removed.(although I’d love to know which doctor did Meryl Streep and Sally Field since they’ve retained their appearance despite surgery unlike say, Goldie Hawn)

It’s mind blowing how many people forgive Lena her trespasses yet claim Kim Kardashian is the fall of Western civilization.

I resisted the hate Lena train for years, partly because I had never watched Girls and wanted to give a female creator the benefit of the doubt. “She’s a clueless white woman but she is teachable”, I typed over and over again. Now I cringe at how bad my radar was. On that note, I vow to never ever defend Amy Schumer

Lena is generally an A+ illustration of the old adage re: liberals, “An outspoken group on many subjects. Ten degrees to the left of center in good times. Ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.”

Surprised to see that there isn’t a mention of the drama between Gabby Douglas and Aly Raisman/Simone Biles