
And if Moore wins; you wanna bet that he doesn’t end up expelled (which would require 2/3rd of the senate to vote for)?

“If Democrats were not such obstructionists and understood the power of lower taxes, we would be able to get many of their ideas into Bill!”

If Roy Moore loses, it means redder-than-a-baboon’s-ass Alabama is sending the rest of us another Democratic senator.

“Senator Franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn’t.”

I trust members of MS13 (as an Angeleno who has travelled throughout this city, I’ve encountered more than a few) much more than any member of this “administration”.

These are men who have REPEATEDLY demonstrated that they cannot be trusted in positions of power and influence.

Yeah, the Franken article on this site was a dumpster fire of usually-reasonable commenters making these exact same arguments in support of him. Totally bizarro world - he’s a creep and should be tossed away with the rest of them. There are plenty of good people around who haven’t sexually assaulted anyone who can

Welcome to our world, men. We’ve had to censor ourselves, be judged, be cast out. We are cornered, stalked, told we’re worthless, told we’re shit. And usually that’s just for doing our jobs. I was laid off from a vet clinic with 5 minutes’ notice because “My accountant says I can’t afford you anymore”. This was right

Exactly nothing “happened “ to them, they all CHOSE to DO these things.

The CK comments about “losing one of my favs” are what really piss me off.

That’s what frustrates me so much, to be honest. Like, the history of Hollywood is nothing but proof that a huge amount of actors are replaceable. And sure, maybe Kevin Spacey never gets to act again. But so what?! There are hundreds and likely thousands of women and men who quit the industry over the last few decades

What especially irked me is how he thinks he has any right to decide when to issue forgiveness for these men. I don’t care how much admiration you have for Spacey or Louis CK, you don’t get to decide to forgive them on the behalf of their victims, Bryan. You are not directly affected by what they did. Their victims

Women go to work for pay, not to be assaulted or harrassed for their coworker’s pleasure. I can’t with these apologists, I just fucking can’t.

I commented on a panic piece about how, with Franken, we were coming close to overdoing the #metoo moment by saying “No, we’re not, and you can’t cherry-pick who you want to believe.” I immediately received dozens of men’s comments accusing me of saying it was just as bad as what Moore and Trump did (never would say

get many of their ideas into Bill!”

I will not feel bad for someone that might just have to change careers because of their bad, illegal and damaging behavior. Sorry if the only job you can get is at McDonald’s, but YOU FUCKING DID THIS TO YOURSELF and YOU DAMAGED OTHER PEOPLE ALONG THE WAY AND TOOK THEIR LIVES AND SELF WORTH FROM THEM.

Agree completely. From looking at the list of Weinstein’s victims, there’s also a long list of talented actresses in their 30s and 4os whose careers mysteriously veered off track around the time they were assaulted or harassed. I wouldn’t be shocked if there are writers and journalists and comedians who’ve had the

No, they don’t get to come back. They can go do something else with their lives the way many of their victims were forced out of their careers (because of reprisals, fear, being blacklisted, or so damaged they have been in survival mode). Fuck these men, and fuck the privileges they’ve been afforded for YEARS while

I think that this time will be different, not because movie studios and corporations and men in general have finally started caring about women’s voices—but they sure do care about our dollars, and for the first time in entertainment history there’s proof that the female consumer is equally if not more powerful than

“If Democrats were not such obstructionists and understood the power of lower taxes, we would be able to get many of their ideas into Bill!”