
Vanity must be going under you know what big bussinesses do. They start to go under. Then hire a woman and blame it all on her for all their losses. Bet they will be crying next year... Saying she ruined the company

This is my best guess as to what Millie Bobby Brown of “Stranger Things” will look like in a couple decades...

I find the biggest culprit in the gender wage gap is that women are straight up lied to about the salary range and what’s possible. Two times that I know of, bosses have lied to me and said there was no money for raises when I had two coworkers get them in the same time period. One coworker was a guy and the other had

The denial runs so deep though. People are actually destroying coffee machines in the name of preserving their comfortable ignorance. We’re beyond the pale.

It’s easy when you have hired help.

Bobby Cannavale has a son who’s 25ish (he played his son on Nurse Jackie). I can’t imagine raising kids only to start all over again at ~50. Same for Jimmy Kimmel. Just the idea of keeping up with a high schooler at >65 is exhausting.

That’s an interesting perspective. While I do agree that the wealthier and more powerful a person is, the likelier he can have engaged in overt and continuous sexual harrassment/assault and have it hidden from view, again, I do not find this solely endemic to Hollywood or to DC.

She reiterates throughout that nothing criminal went on, only that it was, in her opinion, rude, gross and compulsive.

Thank you - I’ve been so torn on what to think about Sarah and Pamela and Tig. They don’t get a pass, but they don’t deserve full scorn because don’t we as women always choose sometimes not to fight because if we fought all the fucking time it’d be exhausting?

I dump them. Jesus forgives, maybe, but I don’t, sorry.

It happens at your own cocktail parties among your friends, it happens at work with your work buddies, it happens In grocery stores, it happens when your friend calls but your daughter picks up the phone and has a private interaction with a “womanizer”, it happens everywhere and no one is immune.

“When I was younger and prettier, them rubbing up against girls, sticking their tongues down women’s throats uninvited who didn’t like it.”

I am confused about how this could not be criminal. Perhaps I am assuming too much about our laws.

It’s ubiquitous. Alas.

Thank you! I’m tired of hearing about this simply being a men in power issues. The assholes that have harassed me were just schmoes I had the misfortune of encountering out in the world.

She’s right, and this should be our response to Franken. We don’t get to only condemn bad behavior when it’s committed by people we hate.

It was fine for what it was. She had to speak and she did. I’m puzzling over the reason she felt she had to wear a traditional male costume to deliver it? Was it a sort of unconscious dissociation? Any thoughts on this?

She had to have known. Tig Notaro knew and had a massive falling out with him and she and Sarah are close friends. I’d find it hard to believe she was unaware.

Silverman doesn’t specify whether she’d known about the allegations before Louis C.K. confirmed them.

I’ve been seeing this a lot lately and it’s been driving me crazy! Advent and the 12 Days of Christmas are two separate things!