
Currently, the federal definition of domestic violence is limited to people who have lived together... Current federal laws also don’t cover family members—say a sister or a daughter who has been abused.

Likely as not, but let’s just enjoy this tiny sip of water in the desert for a moment.

They also need to fix the loophole that allows someone to have a gun when there is a temporary restraining order, but not yet a permanent restraining order.

Fuck it, at least it’s a start.

You know, if you’ve actually been convicted of assault, I’m okay with you not being able to buy a gun regardless of whether it was your girlfriend, your father, or a stranger. You typically have to injure someone pretty badly for it not to be shrugged off or treated as disorderly conduct.

It still won’t get all of them, because so many of our abusers never even get the cops called on them, much less get tried and convicted. But it’s a good, strong start.

Yes! Anyone who perpetrated violence against a partner/family member should not be allowed to legally purchase a gun.

As we all have seen these past weeks (months, years, decades, centuries) domestic abusers are a real problem.

Dammit! Off to write my parents a strongly worded letter. How dare they not be part of the .01%?!

That’s why I try and post it in every MKT article.

Jesus Christ she’s awkward.

I suspect step 1 is being born rich to well-connected parents. So . . . hopefully you did that.

I mean. How do I get a job as a wacky lifestyle guru. Do I just develop a down home accent and start making people turkey hats? Cause I have to say that would be way more fun than my current job. Although I would have trouble keeping a straight face for any of it.

Now if only Megyn Kelly would get canned so they could give the slot to Elizabeth Heiskell. 

Megyn Kelly Wardrobe Wall - 9/25/17-11/16/17

Let’s just give Elizabeth Heiskell Megyn Kelly’s timeslot. I would rather have an hour of her over Megyn Kelly anyday and she seems like the perfect segue to Hoda and Kathy Lee getting day drunk.

So Bobby, is it fair to say that your secret talent is watching this train wreck every day while simultaneously resisting the urge to bathe with your toaster? Because I don’t know how you do it, sir. Hats off.

I still miss Carrie Fisher. I can’t imagine how her family felt when that story broke, it was brutal. We’re all conditioned to want to know information asap, but it really sucks when something like this happens, or like with Tom Petty. I can’t imagine what it’s like to find out your loved one has died/is dying from

They’ll clean it up. I’ve been astounded by some of the remarkable film restoration (both audio and visual restorations) that’s been done in the last 15 or 20 years (notable extraordinary work by the UCLA Film & Television archives, Hugh M. Hefner Foundation and Turner).