
It’s weird - I’ve been a pretty thoughtful and bold feminist for some time now, and yet there are still pieces of my past that elude me. When I was sixteen, I was at a live-in Catholic informal liberal arts program where we started out with 20 students and ended up with 13 by the end of the year (so small and

Which is why the winning bidder is anonymous. And the proud new owner is Cayman Holdings XLV, LLC. Congratulations, Mr. Holdings!

what the fucking fuck? god damn rich people

Blame Dan Brown for everything, tbh.

Now playing

Excellent instincts! Randy Rainbow got there first, though.

You knew this day would come when you took up the book and staff.

Yes! You must weigh in. You are helping us make sense of a nonsensical world.

it’s good that she’s putting her position of power to good use. it would be reallly horrible if ratner were to get more money from this movie. i’m assuming there is some type of morality clause in his contract that enabled wb to cross him out of the deal.

I’m going with your theory. Did he even tweet about the Calfornia wildfires at all? He doesn’t care because it’s a blue state that didn’t vote for him.

I would honestly tolerate a reasonable amount of evil from the government if it was married with competence. Like, sure, sometimes the government get up to some shadiness, but they’re keeping things more or less the same from day to day and cleaning up after themselves when they do something shady.

Dream of wintering in relatively balmy South Dakota?

Apophenia is “the tendency to attribute meaning to perceived connections or patterns between seemingly unrelated things.”

Human beings are very good at attributing agency to phenomena that don’t actually require a conscious agent causing them, such as mistaking wind rustling in the grass for a dangerous predator,

“I find myself wishing for some kind of morally good but still corrupt government.”

You realize that pot and cocaine and heroin were all legal (and in every household!) in 1872.

I read that post and was like “Where is Muck????” And you appeared like The Shadow!

“Melissa Etheridge pled guilty to misdemeanor pot possession in North Dakota.”

Of course I do get it, but I don’t fucking get it. Trump spent his entire campaign bashing China and saying how tough he was going to be on them with trade and his idiotic supporters frothed at the mouth over it. Now he’s talking about how friendly they’re being and how much trade they’re going to be doing with China

The show Scandal used to terrify me because I was like “maybe the government is all one big conspiracy and the people really don’t have a choice and the CIA or secret service just murders threats to US security” but in a trump presidency it’s been proven to me that that’s not really true. And I find myself wishing for

“Like, somehow there’s a code to be cracked.”