
In the darkest timeline, you might fight fire memes with fire memes.

Apparently part of their land-buy deal is that they also hired a known eminent domain attorney to be on retainer. Some of the people on the AV Club posting had lengthy explanations, but apparently it’s comically easy to tie domain disputes up for YEARS, and so even if they lose, they’ll still be a huge pain in the ass

A NSFW card game is getting into a land war with an insane former reality show host who is now the President of the United States, and said President is possibly being blackmailed by a hostile foreign government with a pee tape. JFC.

The comments on this CAH fb post are worth the read.

It’s like each Trump supporter comment tries to top the next about fundamentally misunderstanding how the world works.

A game for horrible people is fighting horrible people.
As one of the horrible people who have played it, I approve.

Seconded. It’s like the psychedelic boat ride scene from Willy Wonka, except the whole movie is like that. I have no idea who thought this was a good idea!

I have found that you should give yourself a one or two days week to do that—let it all go to hell—but the rest of the time keep it in good enough shape that if someone came over with only 10 minutes warning you wouldn’t want to burn the place down because it was in such disarray.

A friend of mine bought me a copy of this book for my birthday last year. His husband thought it was in bad taste as I am the perennial single girl—but I thought it actually has a lot of good advice and was a very entertaining read.

Megyn Kelly Wardrobe Wall - 9/25/17-11/15/17

Kelly (with apologies for being OT): I attended a lecture by Lindsay Fitzharris on Halloween, afterward she signed copies of her book. When I got to her she asked how I heard about her book and I said “Your interview on Jezebel.” and she smiled a big smile and said “That was so much fun!!!”

23 weeks!? Modern medicine is incredible.

Do yourself a favor and go listen to the episode of Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me with Henry Winkler. Apparently this whole story line was a result of his mother nagging him by letter to tell the showrunners that he has other skills they can use - like water skiing. He ignores her forever because how the holy eff are you

What an interesting interview! This year is the first time that I am living fully alone—no family, and no roommates either. I enjoy it, but there are also times when I struggle to treat myself with the same respect I showed other people I lived with: to keep the house tidy, or to get up and dressed and going, that

keeping the good news rolling:

That movie is creepy AF.

Wait, an organ harvester? I am not believing that, at all. To the extent organ harvesting exists, there are presumably easier people to target than white teenage girls living in other countries.

The House definitely needs more Black people, more women, and especially more Black women. But it also needs more public defenders, who think about the legal system as more than just a way to punish people as much as humanly possible.

Never saw the movie. Does anything bad happen?

Oh Jesus. That 90s commercial with the “see it again” voiceover still seems current to me. Pass; I saw it enough then.