
Would watch.

When he’s dead. Not when she’s dead, because if she dies first he will continue bring her up whenever he needs to change the subject.

In fact, this is how low Moore’s campaign has gone. There is a robo call going out to Alabama voters with a fake person named Bernie Bernstein (obviously made up to sound extra Jewish) with a thick Brooklyn accent (to sound like a stereotypical NY Jew to the anti semites in Alabama) claiming to be from the Washington

I hope the write in campaign takes off. Because it might split the republican vote between Moore and the write in candidate just enough for the democrat to win.

Beneath each barrel is just another barrel!!

I’m not on Twitter, and if I were, I wouldn’t follow Orange Julius anyway. But did he even tweet anything in re Veterans Day?

Wait, this guys is bragging about being at 46%?

When, for the love of God, is he going to stop going on about Hillary?

Thus far, however, Moore has remained defiantly committed to staying on the ballot

Too little, too late. Burn in fucking hell RNC and everyone associated with you. I want to watch you die.

I have zero confidence in the people of Alabama not to elect Roy Moore.

The smart play would be for some shady slush fund to buy pro-Moore ads in Alabama using the same outsider/fake news/deepstate shit that got him elected. Thats probably why Dumbocrats won’t do it and will manage to come in third against a write-in campaign and a pedo.

In the same way you can save a ton of money by letting your children die instead of treating them for any disease.

the Senate GOP’s tax plan, in addition to boldly catering to the rich, now includes a repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate

Good thing Trump’s such a good interrogator and after asking Putin nicely three times, believes him because no country whose military tries to pull this shit


“We took somebody’s a man’s word for it..”

I know this is a candidate for the next New England Journal of Duh but I think men need to be better about trusting women when they come out about this stuff. There is literally no benefit to a woman making these kinds of accusations about a powerful man.

Ever since Trump got elected I don’t understand anything :-(