
I watched the whole series but whenever I think of watching it again I lose interest because of Jim. He was a jerk and I felt mocked a lot of his coworkers all the time with his little side-eyes to the camera and his expression. Dude, don’t be a dick to the people who are forced to work with you just because you feel

Yes! I’ve re-watched The Office a lot over the years and my conclusion is that Jim is a bully who uses his ‘aw shucks’ looks to get out of shit. And the actor made a conscious decision to star in that fucking Benghazi movie FFS.

Literally no, by the averages.

“Active shooter” is a description of the type of incident. It differentiates from, for example, a hostage taker or barricaded individual or armed robber or domestic abuser, all of whom may be shooting as part of their crime.

Now playing

I’m really more of a Tim and Dawn fan (um; spoilers)

Neither does Cheetolini. Remember when a lot of California was on fire? He didn’t tweet about it, didn’t talk about it until asked by a journalist, and hasn’t visited the area even though all the fires are out.

390th mass shooting this year. Over 500 dead in mass shootings this year. This isn’t even a break-in for networks here in SoCal because if they broke in for every mass shooting that would be all they covered. All day, every day.

Just waiting until me and mine are shot/killed in a mass murder (or by police) because what else can I do

This happened in California, so Trump will not be making any statements on behalf of the victims. California is a blue state and is not part of Trump’s ‘Murica.

I did too.

Obviously, Kevin had mental health issues stemming from his incarceration. We need to do more to improve access to psychiatrists and social workers after prisoners are released.

My new mom anxiety has been through the roof generally but now, thinking about the families impacted by this violence, I feel like I am going to lose it. You should be able to send your kids to school and not have them get shot.

Oh you. Conservative Christians have never read the Bible.

clearly the only solutions is guns in schools. Arm the teachers, arm the kids, arm the arms. Guns guns we need more guns. Once we all have guns the world will be so much safer


“whose name is kevin”

I don’t have anything deep or even snarky to add to the conversation. I am just sad and tired to my bones.

I see what you did there :/

Hey all you Congresscritters who are about to offer “thoughts and prayers”, remember that James 2:17 says that faith without works is dead. So maybe you should pray and then pass some legislation already.

Aw, gee, another mental health incident.