
This guy is an expert in ghosts. Murdering him would only result in an afterlife-long appointment.

She steals recipes. Claims kids are homeschooled - they have a private tutor. When she started she didn’t tell people she was rich and pretended that Lad was just some downhome hillbilly she married that she had randomly met, and didn’t even know who he was. This is back in the blogging days - she came off as a big

It is very rare, and yet FOUR of Trump’s nominees have earned the “not qualified” rating. Presidents typically work with the ABA to vet nominees, but this administration refused.

I’ve been put off ever since the clip from her show where she made “Asian chicken wings” and all her male family members were all like “ewwwwwww, what kind of sick freak would eat these,” and it turned out the whole thing was a joke because of course Ree Drummond wouldn’t make her family eat anything “Asian.” And, of c

“Alexa, how do I judge stuff?...”

She did an ep of My Super Sweet 16 wayyyyy back in the day and my vague memory is that she was a mostly delightful departure from their standard celebutante. If you ever saw the show, it tended to feature the entitled devil spawn of trashy new money desperate to become the next Paris Hilton (when that was the apex of

It’s amazing what evil does for the skin.

I watched about 2 minutes of one episode and had to change the channel because the gender stereotypes were nauseating.

Am I the only one who gets annoyed when celebrity gossip articles don’t even hint at what the celebrity is famous for? I try to keep up with this stuff but it feels like half the time when you open up an article it’s just a bunch of screen grabs from Instagram or Twitter. Would it hurt to mention basketball anywhere??

I’m a special ed teacher, though I work with higher-functioning kids. Whenever I hear or read people call something “retarded”, I hear it as, “Ugh, yuck, don’t be like that short bus kid over there.”

That’s what happens when gay people hate you. Your hair and fashion will be trash.

My lawyer friends tell me that it’s really rare to get a “not qualified” distinction, let alone a unanimous one. This dude must be an absolutely garbage lawyer.

I dunno, but between this jamoke and Stephen Miller, I feel great about how I look at 37. Not to mention the fact that I feel great about myself because I’m not a horrible person.

What’s with the hair in this administration.

And for the last fucking time, yes, literally everyone who got mad that Rue was black in the movie (and also in the books, you dumb fuckers) was absolutely racist. Getting mad that someone is black is categorically racist.

Thank you!

He’s a mediocre basketball player who is lucky to play with Lebron James. She’s a future reality star riding his mediocre basketball career into whatever passes as fame for these reality TV stars.

I guess I will have to Google these people; I have no idea who they are.

My lazy Thanksgiving is popcorn and wine and everyone else can leave me the hell alone!

How does owning/buying land make one a pioneer? OK has been a state since 1907.