
“Attention passengers...” is standard in train announcements all over the world.

I don’t believe they’re even speaking English. I always feel like Charlie Brown.

Tomorrow there will be a think piece on Fox News about the war on gender. I don’t work in news entertainment, I just know this will happen and they’ll use this benign change that doesn’t hurt anyone as an example because they need something new to be triggered by.

It’s not like there’s a shortage of Agatha Christie adaptations in the BBC archives...

I’m pretty sure a bunch of them are waiting for a shoe to drop. We’ve never seen this before. I was in the Marines during the Tailhook scandal and I initiated a sexual harassment case against my superior. 14 women came out and told tales of rape, harassment and debauchery. Base-wide scandal. Court Martials. Then the

The BBC reports that BBC One will not be broadcasting its Agatha Christie thriller “Ordeal by Ordinance”

And it means Trump grabbed women, peeped in on underage contestants in beauty pageants, and raped his wife as Ivana has claimed. Yet you voted him in as president.

It may feel like it but there are thousands of celebrities and executives and, in a month of revelations, have there even been a hundred people called out? And, of that hundred, have many really been surprises even for us non-Hollywood types? It turns out people have shitty reputations for a reason, who would have

This is intolerable, it means only 39278 hours of period mysteries produced by BBC this year instead of 39280

This whole fucking disgusting mess is fucking me up right now. It’s triggering a spring of memories to bubble up from my childhood which I’ve completely repressed until now. A family friend and “respected community member” used to take me on tractor rides and fondle and continuously grope me. His eldest son did this

It looks like they are opening some schools next week, but uncertainty is still high. Wishing the best to your friend and her family!

Listen, I’m not sugarcoating Katrina when I say that this, not that, will be our ultimate historical embarrasment for disaster relief.

Thank you for clarifying this detail about power generation vs. homes and building with power.

This is so awful. We can send money and remind our senators and reps that we want something done, it’s not enough but I don’t know what else to do.

This shit makes me feel so powerless. Nearly 200 Puerto Rican students have been accepted into the school district i live in. The school district is already ridiculously strained because it’s one of the poorest in the area (the neighboring district is one of the wealthiest. The difference in education and opportunity

My friend in PR moved herself, her mother, and her son to the mainland to live with family, at least for now, so her son wouldn’t miss any more school. She was saying that schools there might not open until the following year - a year’s education, lost. She has a remarkable sense of humor about it all (“we need

Also, thanks to that massive power outage doctors had to stitch up patients they were operating on. It’s been awful here.

That 43% refers to the amount of electricity being generated, not the percentage of homes and buildings with electrical power. I’d say it’s closer to 15%-18%, since the last times we went to bring supplies to a few towns in the center of our island they were completely without electricity. Stats are being manipulated

Yeah I kinda got dragged when I brought this up in the past and was almost convinced by commenters I was wrong. I’m not mad at them but I can’t lie when I say I feel validated. I think I’m more mad on Anna Merlan’s behalf... people were pretty damn cruel when she asked for tips... that’s when I felt my rage get fueled

it’s actually about ethics in comedy journalism *tips fedora*