
Holy shit you’re famous! I hope you’re ok though. That sounds scary.


Good. A broken hip often marks the beginning of the end for a lot of older folks. It’s the nudge onto a downward spiral of fractures, hospitalizations, infections, nursing homes, bed sores, pneumonia, to eventual death.

So after paying his medial bill he’ll have $100?

The work that she’s been doing since seems important and good, but it’s so shitty that this experience effectively killed her desire to keep writing. She had worked her way up to a point she could be proud of, and he poisoned the whole thing. I hope that all of these men who’ve abused their power are permanently

It’s pretty simple. Lots of men are really, really proud of their (sadly, actually unique) ability to understand that patriarchy is real, and does hurt both men and women in discrete ways. They get these concepts as abstracts, but they fail to overcome their own socialization and apply this knowledge to their day to

I’m so glad it worked out for you. Seriously.

I feel you and also BEEN THERE. People with power will throw you under a train and then blow up a file folder with shit about this, that, and every other kind of BS they can think of to fill it. Cause they got to PROVE you needed to be under a train AND that you deserved it (also see: The Narcissist’s Prayer)

I swear in the commentary on that episode one of the creators talks about a guy challenging a woman to get naked and how it happened to a “friend” of theirs.

As stories have come out, I’ve come to be interested in this, too. I know there are a lot of harassers who are obvious in their disdain for women, but others have actively promoted female work and feminist ideas. Is it like the conservative Christian preacher who has hook-ups with guys in bathrooms, do you think? They

You are a very kind person.

Damn appropriate.

By referring to her as an assistant, he’s diminishing her. He’s showing that she’s insignificant. Similarly, in a lot of cases, famous men will refer to “that woman” or “that person” instead of by name. It’s a way of relegating her to the sidelines; an unimportant person with no identity. Remember when Bill Clinton

There is a similar scene in the show when Stan sexually harassed Peggy by asking her to get naked together while working late one night. #justsaying

Someone with a Mad Men DVD or Blu Ray check the commentary on the episode in which Peggy and Stan(?) get naked and work together in a hotel room. (Looked it up. Season four, episode six.) I remember the person on the commentary saying this “happened to a friend.”

This happened to me, not as explicit as wanting to see me naked, but grossly ‘romantic’, inappropriate, and scary because we were the only two people in the office, late in the evening. And later on when I gave my notice to resign (he was my boss) he treated me like shit, and after I left I found out that he lied to

They’re dicks.

I’m not surprised. He never seemed to respect any of the women who acted on the show. I will have to see if I can find it but Christina Hendricks said in an interview that he would give her directions on basic things that any actor can do. She told him he didn’t need to write those things out for her and he said he

WTF is going on with dudes named Weiner?

Taylor Swift’s cats are really cute.