
She filed when she was pregnant. At the time a lot of the gossip columnists said that whatever happened had to be insanely bad for her to file while pregnant.

I think Perez Hilton had a hard on for tearing her apart if I remember correctly.

She may have questionable judgement for getting involved with him in the first place but she’s always seemed like an absolute angel when it comes to the kids, even the ones that aren’t hers. I remember reading an interview where someone asked her why she did it and she was like “They’re my kids siblings, obviously I

I’ve always admired how she handled that divorce and his subsequent drama with brooke and his future kids. She took in his other children while he and Brooke were in crisis because she knew their kids health affected her own kids happiness and health because they were half siblings. She deserves a ton of respect for

“Classy? She used to be one of Heidi Fleiss’ girls.”

My husband is bi and made the same prediction earlier today, with a depressing amount of bitterness and resignation in his voice. It broke my heart.

Oh god. I didn’t know anything about Alphy’s Soda Pop Club but this description from VICE, in light of the pedophilia sex ring stuff, is terrifying:

I vaguely remember the divorce being ugly, even by “ugly divorce” standards, but I had no idea what all she went through, and how much she’s done to help her chuldren’s siblings.

I looked this up on Reddit after the news broke and someone shared a a picture from when Denise Richards divorce filing and Richards listed a thing where one time they were on vacation, she caught him looking at gay porn and she was like “don’t they look underage to you?” and he was like “forget it Denise”, and then

I was reminded today of Denise Richards divorce filings, which alleged that he visited porn sites that featured both really young looking girls and boys. I think meaning early teens as opposed to children.  

I read that this morning and was sickened. I thought the very end pretty much summed up what his base cares about. Cause as they themselves stated in the interviews, it sure isn’t policy.

Jesus, Bertrand Russell dropped the mic on that guy. Just about sums up my attitude too. Go Bertrand. He and Frederick Douglass need to go have a long talk with Trump.

It is willful ignorance. They like the way they feel when they buy into the bullshit, so even though they could face reality, they keep listening to more bullshit.

Good point. I imagine he shouts it repeatedly while battling his KFC-induced constipation.


I’ve seen that. There are times where that’s the only appropriate response. You can’t engage with people whose entire worldview is based on a rejection of what you want to engage them for.

Footnote: the letter is to Oswald Mosley, who was the subject of Elvis Costello’s song “Less than Zero.”

When Miller smiles it looks like his skeleton is desperately trying to escape his body via his mouth.

He’s one of the youngest people in the photo and he looks like he’s old enough to remember that time him and Trump snorted lines off of Jerry Hall’s jazz at 54 back in ‘78.