
I hadn’t realized she was married to Weinstein until after all of this, I just know her as a judge on Project Runway All-Stars where she is quite pleasant (also her brother, the CEO, seems really nice).

I cried when I found out she won. What a beautiful “fuck you” to bigotry.

A trans woman defeating the guy who tried to pass a bathroom bill is the kind of poetic justice we need.

I was on an email loop today about the church shooting, which included someone from Texas. All trump’ers. The predominant theme was “It’s terrible that there are so many angry people these days. But so many people are just struggling, their personal lives are so hard given what the last administration did to them.” So

I saw that on tv last night and could barely contain myself anger. The Japanese are incredibly polite and would never make a scene in such a setting, so this utterly disrespectful garbage will go largely unchecked in the US media.

Did you hear the part of his speech where he was saying how when he became president, leaders from so many different countries called him. So many! “Who knew there were so many countries?” That is a direct quote.

Agreed. I voted straight Dem in NJ, and yay we have a Democratic governor again! Still waiting to see if the incumbent gross Republican mayor got re-elected....probably, as my town is pretty trump-ish.

NBC and AP called it. Also, Dems could flip the statehouse, which would be nuts. GOP had a 30-seat majority.

On a slightly unrelated note, I watched part of a PBS doco series on the Prohibition on Netflix yesterday and one of the participating political commentators observed that modern Americans take the Constitution as a more rigid expression of ideal American values and behaviours than was intended by the Founding

Because the Americans who overwhelmingly buy guns are white. Extreme vetting is for brown people.

In regards to the first bullet point, do some people take advantage of Medicaid? Yes, but just like with everything else you shouldn’t punish the many for the actions of a few. Just like drug testing enforcement will cost more than it saves because guess what most people actually need the help and the requirements

Maybe the Democratic party should stop being Republican lite and get back to actually supporting progressive policies and candidates?

Oooh that’s a great question.

And how about this one:

My first thought when I read that headline was “well my MIL is fucked”

You left out the question that the reporter asked Trump at the press conference in South Korea; which was a brilliant question and should turn into a talking point for anyone who wants gun regulation:

“working-age, able-bodied adults,”, well I’m fucked. Sure my body is fully functional but my mind is a nest of hornets, the hornets are mental illnesses.

I can’t wait to hear the Red Welfare-States’ Reps with large numbers of constituents using Medicaid to treat the opioid epidemic explain the definition of ‘able-bodied’.