
This should be on his IMDB page.

It does sound like the producer set her up. I’m guessing that might be one of the reasons his name was not in her account.

I’m at a point now where I don’t know how many more stories like this I can handle before I just curl up in a ball under my bed and refuse to come out until womenkind has taken over and created a matriarchy.

Y’all, this guy is a MRA troll. He was posting this same kind of drivel on other rape related articles. Don’t ungrey him and don’t respond.

The not believing until woman 4 thing is so infuriating because it’s easy to write off if only one woman comes forward, even though some men do only do it once or twice and stop. It’s just impossible to know if it’s a case where they only did it once or a few times or a case where everyone else is just too scared to

This whole thing sounds like she was setup in which case she probably isn’t the only one so the producer’s version of events may soon be irrelevant.

Ran into Ed at a show on Halloween in Brooklyn a few years back. He loved my friend’s Hunter S. Thompson costume and smoked a cigarette with him while they talked about the commitment my friend had by actually shaving his head for authenticity. I knew he was a douche when he looked at me (I was dressed as Gumby) and

At the very best, he’s publicly shown to be a massive asshole, at the very worst he’s an accomplice.

I’ve realized that the general public often doesn’t know “sexual assault” can include rape. A lot of people think it only means groping or something along those lines.

Sexual assault is the more general term. Not all sexual assaults are rapes, but all rapes are sexual assaults. If the story is developing, or you aren’t certain of the details, assault is going to be the “safer” term to use.

Fucking hell. I’ve been waiting for the next name to drop but this one surprised me. First, I believe her. Second, all of the me too stories should highlight that society has a real fucking problem respecting other people’s bodies and men feel entitled when they are famous, rich, talented, etc. I know rapists come in

Sounds like Mr. Producer was what they call a “procurer”, so nope.

Heaven forbid we embarrass ourselves in front of Ed Westwick.

To everyone asking “what now,” unless you’re in law enforcement where this happened, now we all wait and see if a bunch of other women come forward with similar claims. One of the major things we learned about this is it seems to be pretty rare to assault one woman. Unless the initial woman making the accusation is

Because the man who apparently slut shamed a rape survivor is the perfect person to settle this...

I’m sure a person who is alleged to have insisted that Cohen stay just a little bit longer at Westwick’s apartment and was more concerned about looking embarrassed in front of Westwick is going to incriminate themselves.

Also, wouldn’t he make himself an accomplice by corroborating her story?

Except she says the producer is her ex boyfriend. And also he is/was friends with Ed Westwick.

I can appreciate the desire to shit on a likely rapist, but making those critiques about appearance are unhelpful at best, extremely harmful at worst.

Going by her story, in what universe is the producer boyfriend not an enabler/participant at best or the mastermind behind the whole thing at worst?