
Story goes that Laurence Olivier, who co-starred with Hoffman in “Marathon Man,” got so tired of Hoffman’s method-actor exertions that he said, in so many words, “dear boy, why don’t you just act?”

Dear God, what is wrong with people? How hard is it to not grope somebody?

Yeah, he treated her like shit under the guise of method acting. I’ve said this before, but the first thing you learn in acting school is how to trust your scene partner, and how to put your trust in your scene partner. The second thing you learn is how to recall your own feelings and emotions and memories. There is

So, apparently Streep has come forward and said that the account of their first meeting was taken out of context. But even still, I’ve heard stories for years about Hoffman’s abhorrent behavior towards Streep while they were making ‘Kramer vs. Kramer.’ He also allegedly smacked her across the face as ‘improv’ during

Or, you know...if that ratfuck Chaffetz didn’t leak the Comey letter for a $10 million bribe from the Trump campaign...

Or if Zuckerberg maybe gave a fuck about all the ridiculous lies he was spreading far and wide to get even more $

It’s more jail time than Dennis Hastert got for actually molesting children.

Considering how short actual rape sentences often are, 21 months for a crime in which there was no physical contact is far better than I expected.

Thats actually a pretty good sentence. He probably got a harsher sentence because of his name. Actual rapists get less often even with underaged victims.

Automatic 85%.

My kids destroy all boners within a 5 mile radius.

How do y0u even get a boner with your kid next to you? I found that so odd.

He’ll serve all or most of it.
No parole in federal system.

I’m glad he got jail time, but I’m pissed that the jail time is so little. It’s just another reminder of how vast the standard still is.

Weiner & his weenie show little or no accountability or real understanding of his crimes. He deserves prison. He seems to only feel remorseful for how his crimes affected HIM not his victims. Which at this point is every rational person in the United States since he inflicted double down Donnie on us with his

So does he go to prison today? If I were him I’d want to get it over with and behind me. Federal minimum security isn’t the country club good time that people think it is, but the lack of inmate violence (any violators immediately get sent to a stricter, more repressive place, where violence can and does happen

I’m just hoping he serves more than 30% of his sentence.

How about no. I’d rather fuck a cactus