
I have a hard time remembering they don’t even need to hire people to clean, cause they have people who will hire the people to clean. *sigh*

I assumed that’s what he was going to do the whole time. Say it’s temporary but when it expires just sign another temporary one and when that one expires so on and so forth. He exceeded expectations on this one by making it outright indefinite I guess.

We were shouting about this from the beginning but few journalists or analysts dug into the original ban enough to bring it up. The original travel ban had a provision whereby it would be extended indefinitely for countries that didn’t share certain information with the US, which meant that it was never going to be

I hope I’m not the only one who has noticed that Trump’s original order was supposed to be TEMPORARY. Like, only until they could establish what they seemed satisfactory screening processes for allowing people in from the countries in question.

Poor, uneducated white men are honorary Americans, too, as long as they vote Republican and hate Obama

I think you have it exactly. Real Americans are white men, with money, as far as the Republicans go. The rest of us are supposed to take a seat/do as we’re told.

Lesbians, dying or otherwise, don’t deserve the insult of that comparison.

And what are the odds that some other government has already gained access to all of his emails months ago?

From the Politico article:

This is terrifying but also amazing.

Man, today, while Donald was tweeting vitriol at the NFL, Hillary was tweeting about Puerto Rico and encouraging the government to send help to them.

This was a “family server”, so I guess Ivanka will be next to get a subpoena. That oughtta make “Daddy” explode.

His eyes. There’s nothing behind there.

But if you don’t do as I say, say that you do. - Also Republicans

In light of Trump tweeting (at a “failed” business, mind you- how is it STRONG to bully a failure?) during the Yemen raid vs. Benghazi and this, i’ve been thinking a lot about why is it that republicans are so good at weaponizing their outrage. Plus all the mileage out of the broken window at Starbucks during the

Given that Kushner is a “shadow diplomat” who has gone to the Middle East for talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, what do you think the odds are the he has classified information in his email? What also do you think the odds are that he is furiously deleting his emails in order to pretend like he doesn’t have

At the very least, I hope Hillary Clinton threw a dish across the room when she heard this. If I were in her shoes I would have trashed the room and lit it on fire.

Do as I say, not as I do. - Republicans

Aaaaaaagggggghhhhhh! I’m going to lose my miiiinnnnndddd! Jesus fucking Christ I can’t take it anymore!!!!!