
After having donated $1million to the Trump campaign. But now he sees the light? (Or could it be these owners are deathly afraid of a players’ walkout?)

what happened to him is a abomination

I’d like to see these coaches and owners put their money where their mouth is then and hire Kaepernick.

To Trump, the NFL Players are mere property and he is calling out to their “owners” to discipline them for speaking. This sounds familiar.

Just as it was illegal for Sarah Sanders to call for that ESPN chick’s firing, it’s illegal for Trump to call for the firing of a buncha sportsball guys. Shut this cocksucker up.

If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL,or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect.......our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!

i dunno.... they pledge allegiance to the flag before class... thats the kinda shit that tends to be reserved for places run by ruthless dictators..... america is bloody wierd... ill tell you wut

Yeah, I always thought it was unnecessary and strange. I wonder if high school players are kneeling during the anthem.

Genuine question: why does the National Anthem play before domestic sporting events? I understand playing them at like, the Olympics, where numerous different countries are competing against each other and it is kind of neat to hear each one, but when the Ravens are playing Patriots (for example) why do we need it?

My sister made up a joke recently: “Why do seagulls live near the sea? Because if they lived near the bay, they’d be baygulls (bagels)!” It’s awful and I loved it.

I’m a year graduated with my MLS with Archives concentration and in the PNW. Still looking for something permanent. What I have found success with is temp jobs or paid internships in library/archives related stuff—it only kicks the can just a little further down the road, but at least it’s experience. And money.

I’ll have to look that up. Is that like the barter economy? Or more like the *apocalypse economy?

Human population reduced by at least 50%. I’m a compassionate person, so I’d prefer that that didn’t happen via war, asteroid or pandemic, so it’s not going to happen tomorrow.

End capitalism. Replace with a society based on learning where none have to work to live but can fulfill their potential on their own terms. Convert to 100% renewable energy. Exile all bigots to a cold, desolate planet.

You’ll probably be in a better position than if you’d gone for public. I’m advising aspiring librarians to steer clear of public libraries, although I’m in Canada, the situation here is very similar worldwide; outsourcing cataloging, acquisitions, de-professionalizing the job, emphasis on maker spaces (which have

Bringing you out of the greys, and it’s early enough that a fair number of people will see this; you’re not poster number 872! ;)

Longtime lurker, first time poster (ahhh!) which means it’s likely no one will see this, but I really need to vent abt my life situation right now. My husband has been unemployed since April (we got married in May) and I’m starting to lose it. He’s been doing some intermittent temp gigs and has taken some interviews

Now playing

As some may know from previous posts my mum has been battling cancer for the last 20 years, breast cancer twice and then told last year it was terminal cancer and had spread to her bones. Sadly last week she passed away at the age of 70 whilst I was on holiday in Canada. She’d been a life long Frank Sinatra fan since

Stuff your mom never told you. Feminist podcast that is hilarious, insightful, and addresses issues throughout every intersection. History, current events, pop culture, random shit. It is the bees knees.

This week we hired the adoption attorney to finally begin the process of adopting my daughter back from my parents. They adopted her when I was in active addiction and for a long time they acted like they were never going to allow me to have her back. It was frustrating but I respected it because they were there for