
*Is not stunned into silence by this response, based on interactions with this commenter*

Not to mention that she might be laughing so as not to “embarrass him” in public.

That’s not at all how that works and you should go sit in a corner and feel ashamed of yourself for writing that comment.

You’re right, we don’t know their relationship, or them. There are a lot of red flags in this story though, specifically the controlling, the rushing her into things she wants to slow down on, deciding for her, and the reproductive coercion. People are reacting because those are the very common signs of an abuser.

I’ve seen friends that happened to. Dudes were like 35-40, the two friends were like 20-23ish when it happened to each of them, and the respective dudes would get so pissed and be like, “I just want to settle down and have a family, why aren’t you on board??” use that as an excuse to treat them poorly. Dude, why

Yeah, I actually listened to the recording and after he tells the story he says, “Well I guess *I* decided,” and she responds “Shocking...” in a sarcastic way, which says to me that he decides a lot of things for her. Awful.

I mean...I couldn’t believe what I was reading. “Unbeknownst to Nikki...” HOLY SHIT. And I love how when she expresses surprise about a video being made of her reaction, he calls her a name. Super loving. This guy sounds like a fucking monster.

Oh, right, the “I knew I was going to marry you on our second date” is another sign of a controlling partner.

Also that when it comes to women and homicide, the vast vast majority are killed by an intimate partner, spouse, ex-spouse.

Not just that, but the way she put it: “Why are you always taking a videos of me and I don’t know it?” means that he’s filmed her without her permission more than once, possibly on a semi-regular basis.

YUP, those are some red fucking flags right there.

As a 46 yr old woman, I laugh at 35 year old men who think they are soooooo wise.

“I’m OLDER, I know BETTER than you.” God, I thought that line was used on undergrads by their skeevy professors.

An element of coercion is very often that the victim doesn’t feel like he or she has a choice. I’m not saying that’s necessarily what happened here (I don’t know enough about them, though the story really squicks me out), just that the fact that someone does something seemingly voluntarily doesn’t mean they aren’t

* stunned into silence by this response *

I’d be willing to bet that he often uses that age gap to override her opinions, preferences, and hesitations.

Yeah, he notes that he was 35, like the clock was ticking, but leaves out that she was not (she’s almost 10 years younger than him).

I’m starting to think there’s a reason he was so good at playing a rapist vampire.

she wasn’t sure, he was “sure”, so he pushed his way in, right?? it’s healthy.