
Organic farming isn’t the answer but genetic engineering probably is. The issue is that while engineering crops that could feed our planet without pesticides could be done there is no money in it. Also most Western Nations aren’t prepared to make lifestyle changes like eating more sustainable crops rather than the out

I am a gay man who lived through the worst of the AIDS crisis. By the time I graduated from my freshman year of college I had had six boyfriends (some of them in high school) and a dozen or so one-night stands. None of us used condoms. I spun the roulette wheel and I won, I’m HIV- and so is my formerly equally-slutty

I agree, and it’s a longtime frustration of mine that Jezebel doesn’t hire LGBTQ women to write about LGBTQ women’s issues (save for Kat Callahan, and I believe one of the current female Jez writers has vaguely mentioned making out with women??) - but they did have that period where they were crossposting articles

I currently work on a clinical trial for Gilead’s replacement for Truvada... My site enrolled only 450 subjects in a city of 4 million, so I don’t want to over generalize, but goddamn are we seeing a lot of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. I wish we had a way to know whether or not this was worsening once people

Starred at the very least for “clutch your anal beads.”

Jezebel desperately needs to hire a lesbian writer, considering the way they handle the very rare articles about lesbians. Gay women are already invisible in mainstream society and it doubles down on a website that is supposed to be about women. Amazingly some women are not straight. Seriously I don’t care to read

The myopia is astounding. It’s not hard to find the parties where gay men of color are the majority if you’re willing to go farther afield than Manhattan/Williamsburg.

One of these days, there will be a piece like this about lesbians or bisexuals. And I will rejoice.

Gay men aren’t the only sexual beings.

(Not saying this wasn’t a great article- it absolutely was. I’m just so tired of gay narrative dominating the LGBT scene)

And yes, Jalopnik was her home base, and the readership was cool about it. MINDS BLOWN. (I actually feel like the readership over there has shifted.)

yeah, that sort of self-insertion was the worst part. We get it, Rich, you’re pretty. Come back and share your story when you’re ugly.

this this this. I’m a chubby conventional white guy in San Francisco and I don’t want to fucking hear about more of the same experiences. Let’s hear more from the lesbian and trans and POC and older and non-physical ideal. Hell, in SF alone I know of an Asian little person who is fucking RIPPED and a fellow with

There are other infections besides HIV/AIDS - not life threatening, but not fun, and some lifelong chronic infections. Viral STIs can be transferred even *with* condom use. So while I want people to be liberated, satisfied, creative and curious in their sex lives, having contact with a dozen people who have had

So what you’re saying is the reason I only orgasm once is that my husband and I need to be building more blanket forts and then have blanket fort sex?

Yes, I’ve always thought it odd that Jezebel doesn’t really cover queer culture from a woman’s perspective. This is something that’s needed.

Having burritos before heading to a sex party would seem like the first mistake of the evening.

Jim Cooke’s art is always the best....

First, this is a fine written piece, but I take issue with the author in some places, and with some of the people I feel we’re supposed to sympathize with. First, it could have used much less of the author self insertion to reaffirm his own level of attractiveness. We get it, you’re hot.

I hope you don’t get a medical

I’m pretty sure you should not be eating ANY burritos before that event!

“Look at me! See! Guys think I’m hot and want me! Something-something-sex party history-something I can’t keep them off me! Wheeeeeeeeeee!”