
If HBO was smart they would get in on this. Instead they want to do a show about slavery never ending.

Indeed. These were four of the “best students.”

It would be great if people didn’t post photos of dead animals in the comments.

Is it that the Baby is supposed to be the focus here but instead it’s all IVANKA?

Kimmel is stepping up his game to compete with Last Week Tonight. In seriousness it’s no surprise he understands it better, he has an actual investment on what it does as opposed to the lawmakers.

Ah, the “[teenage] boys will be [teenage] boys” defense.

Notice that the baby’s hands are up in a defensive posture. He knows.

I will never ever understand how a human being can do something as shitty as throwing an unwanted animal away like that, like a piece of trash. Is it that much harder to just drop it off at the shelter? Hell, even if you just leave it in a box in front of a vet’s office, at least there’s the chance that the animal

I was a sophomore in high school when the Ten Commandments bs was going on, and my school decided to show their support for Judge Moore by having us paint the Ten Commandments on one of the walls. Participation was not voluntary and it was assumed we were all fine with that. To be fair, I’m pretty sure I was the only

The real problem here is why does a president need to be moderated? The president should have a firm grasp on reality and be in control of themselves, but Trump isn’t. He’s mentally ill, and he’s clearly not allowing his handlers to medicate him before important meetings.

As it turns out, several analysts have pointed out that Kimmel actually got the health care bill pretty right, even better than the people who wrote the bill. So, here we are. The former host of the Man Show knows health care policy better than the people who are responsible for writing health care policy. Is Adam

I hate to say it, but Ivanka Trump’s role is what she was raised to do: To be an ornament on the arm of a man (father or husband). There is no substance there, as evidenced by her book made up of quotes she found on the internet from other people.

Y’all, I got a robocall last night from “Doctor” Seb Gorka. Apparently he and Sarah Palin are coming to my town tomorrow to campaign for “Judge” Roy Moore. First of all, why are all of these people claiming fake honorifics they don’t have? Secondly, how the hell did I end up on that list? I don’t even have a local

She was representing the US at the United Nation’s summit on human trafficking and slavery today. Someone who uses third world labour to produce knock-off shoes is apparently concerned about exploitation.

The only way she could like him less is if it was Tiffany’s kid.

That’s how my old roommate came across her cat. Someone tossed a bag out of a car and into the gutter, and my roommate pulled over to investigate. She found a filthy little tuxedo kitten missing half her whiskers. That cat grew up to be the pickiest, smartest, most self-assured critter I’ve ever known, and my roommate

The composition of this photo is offputting. Is it the dead smile? Is it the tacky grandma couch and pillow? Is it her beige skirt or the square shoulders of her blouse? Is it the staging, as if the couch was moved to the Lincoln Memorial for this photo? Is it that the Baby is supposed to be the focus here but instead

She also has no idea what words like ‘otherwise’ mean

My cat is somewhere between 15 and 17. I think she’s going to outlast us all. I’m pretty sure sneaks into my room at night and sucks the life out of the rest of the family.

This is what can happen to a situation where students made a bad decision but once it gets on social media, it gets ramped up and it really spreads like wildfire.