
But people have been talking about it for years and at least one of those women made explicit charges that all but named him before backing off. Plus, I refuse to believe that an innocent man wouldn’t have sued the people making these allegations into oblivion if they weren’t true. And Louis’ behavior in dealing with

I was treated as a criminal. I wasn’t given a chance to explain myself. I wasn’t asked: What happened? I was just thrown behind bars. I felt like I was seen as a monster.

So the GOP is in the car, and they have entered into a suicide pact with the driver of the car... Yep! Sounds about right, I believe the honorable gentleman has hit the nail on the head.

There are lots of materials available! My best friend teaches a class on racism and genocide for high school students. Of course of one the teacher development programs she usually does during the summers to learn about teaching race will probably be cut as part of the budget cuts to NEH.

As a teacher, I get what the intent (probably) was, but this is not the best way to approach this idea or lesson. One of the most powerful moments I’ve had as a teacher was basically moderating a discussion of racism, deaths like that of Trayvon Martin, and violence against POC in my seventh grade classroom. I was

Why did they copy the “Hunger Games” photo for their promo?

The problem isn’t in “indoctrination”, as I see it. It’s in “normalization”. Particularly when we consider that the problems within our culture that created the KKK haven’t gone away (nor has the actual KKK).

Yes. This is not okay. It’s not a funny story. It’s literally a crime.

It is remarkable how making oneself as genderless as possible often results in a fervent belief in meritocracy. Why are women held back by their presentation skills if their skills on the job are truly what matter?

So do they know who, exactly, is responsible? Will charges be filed? “Dosing” someone without their knowledge / consent is illegal, correct?

Yeah, as a person in recovery I find nothing funny about these types of stories.

That is really, really fucked up that they gave her the real thing without telling her/asking for permission.

Congratulations to her. All I’m going to say is that the way she speaks, the language she uses, about getting work or helping is antithetical to how Tracy Oliver, Prentice Penny, Melina Metasoukas, Justin Simeian, and Ava Duvernay speak about. In some parts she sounded like every white film bro ever. Which is why I

I hate it when people use the, “don’t be a victim” phrase. It devalues the emotions someone is feeling and makes you feel guilty for feeling the way you do. You can be a victim and be strong and courageous. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

or a course on abnormal psychology.

I was thinking the same thing. This bill sounds exactly like what I’d come up with as a last-minute book report. Except a shitty book report has no consequences.

Dumbest or most honest? Because “we need an achievement to campaign off of in 2018" has to be the most accidentally honest anyone has been about rushing this through.

Jessie Graff was robbed. Dye her hair black and she is Lara Croft.

I’ve long believed that Hollywood actors take superhero/videogame movies just so that a studio will pay them to get JACKED AS HELL

This response should be studied in ethics courses