
What the actual fuck is a “valley of disrepair”?

Fuck General Kelly. If he was doing his job, none of this shit would be happening. You’re a General, you of all people would know that calling Kim Jung Un “Rocket Man” is a really horrendously bad idea.

Roughly, it’s a system for manufacturing process improvement that was originally used to make line workers hate their jobs. It’s since been rudely crammed into other inappropriate business err... roles.

I am genuinely laughing at ‘Big Business Guy’ and Trump.

I’m enjoying the woman next to Melania’s middle distance gaze. She’s totally thinking about how long it will take her to get her assistant to sneak her a martini during a bathroom break.

I certainly can not explain the fascination. All the ones I’ve met have been hired as ‘consultants’ for companies that probably just need a more humane HR and pay raises for their frontline employees. They charged exorbitant rates for their ‘services’ and then left fucking dittos on improving employee productivity by

TIL Sixth Sigma wasn’t just made up for 30 Rock.

Eh. The ‘black belts’ I’ve met have all been small-minded chucklefucks, so from *my* perspective there’s no shortage of prospects.

It’s a term from a business ‘school’ called Six Sigma, sort of. ‘Valley of Despair’ is the period of self-doubt and the most likely time people backslide when they are going thru major changes in their personal life, business model, etc.

Someone resurrected this gem:

Is that General Kelly, or Patrick Stewart? Because that pose looks awfully familiar..

To the gentleman in the pink shirt, you are not alone. Many of us have been wearing that same expression for 10 months now.

When you say “unprecedented”...I mean, that’s not hyperbole at all, is it? Has there ever been a situation where the ruler of one country has literally threatened to “destroy” another?

It’s brilliant, but won’t change Cilliza a bit.

And Cilliza just wrote a piece for CNN speaking on how much the media flip-flops whenever Trump gives a speech without shitting the bed, and here goes this bitch, ready to blow him because two words made him feel all warm inside.


“It is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights, or let it fall into a valley of disrepair.

Trump’s threat at the UN that “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea” is really unprecedented. This is no off-the-cuff response to a question, or cranky early morning tweet, but a centerpiece of a

“ I guess we’re having a nuclear war tomorrow”