
We’re both to blame.

Correction: “twot” (American) means ladyparts. “twaat” (British) means stupid person. The meaning changes with the pronunciation. A twaat can have a twot. snerk.

omg imagine how mortified he would be if someone called him a twat to his face. or a cunt! he would implode

One suggested change...

no, just a superfluous i.

I was born in the UK, have lived in the US for 28 years, and I can assure you that the simplest way to go from US English to UK (Southern) English and back is to follow a very simple rule:

Edinburgh (it’s Edin-bruh, not Edin-burg)

Am I still saying it wrong if I don’t ever say it?

I say aluminium when I want to feign being posh in front of my kids.

I’m totally speaking out my fanny here, but I suspect it’s actually easier to be British in the US than Canadian. We get probably the same amount of lame jokes, but you guys get a smidge more respect because you sound fancy when you talk.

It doesn’t matter how you say it, everyone knows you mean “Pence.”

No such word as “aluminium” exists in American English. But we certainly say “aluminum” correctly.

Bullshit. Have you heard the way those wankers pronounce aluminium?

If anything, you should prefer female astronauts because they would be smaller in size and weight. It typically costs about $10,000 to put one pound of payload in orbit.

I always found it interesting that the USA & the USSR were soooo competitive during the Cold War that they felt they had to compete/outdo each other on everything— EXCEPT getting a woman into space. EXCEPT offering women equal opportunities.

I remember, having read an article in Jane in the late 90s about the Mercury 13, I was really aggravated when Glenn wangled another trip into space as a geriatric, under the excuse of “doing tests to see how the elderly respond to things in space” or some such nonsense, to justify the cost. An interview was done

Yeah, he’s been portrayed as “one of the good ones” in various fictionalized stories about the time (i.e. Astronaut Wives, Hidden Figures, etc.), and I was really hoping that someone somewhere in that time really was that woke and kind to everyone of every race/ethnicity and gender...but apparently not. Guess movies

Meanwhile the Soviets put a woman up in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova, a factory worker (and amateur skydiver) who went on to earn a doctorate in Engineering.

I just remind myself that less than 4 million people watched Bill O’Reilly bloviate every night and not a lot more than that for that Hannity blowhard. What is the average age of these viewers? 70? And these aren’t yoga-practicing vegan seniors we’re talking about. Cable news depends on a dying audience who

I’m guessing Matt Lauer, despite his namby pamby attempts to get O’Reilly to “apologize” doesn’t actually think Bill did anything wrong. Just like the sportscasters who covered Kobe Bryant giving an apology ring to his wife after the rape charges against him were dropped. He triumphed over that whore they implied and