
For men: “Shut the hell up, bro; you need to stand by your buds!”

Fox News is a fucking mess. A few months ago, there was a story appeared about Sean Hannity pulling a gun on Juan Williams! I’m not sure how many women and minorities have to tell their stories and/or sue before people get the hint. There is no such thing as the cool/good minority or woman when it comes to Fox News.

I promise that most of the women working there didn’t share tales of horror because of the atmosphere of back biting, intimidation and out right terrorizing. They all felt in it alone, and the ones who weren’t getting hassled at any given moment kept far away from the ones that were; they did NOT want to “attract

I’m starting to think you can’t be hired there UNLESS you’re a harasser/rapist/abuser; like the world’s most horrific frat hazing.

She’s not selling you a story. She’s disclosing a rape and subsequent sexual harassment. She’s suing because that’s one of our paths to justice when you can’t or won’t use criminal courts, which happens for a variety of reasons.

Yeah but much like all those “pretend to be a woman on twitter Because it’s not that bad” “think” pieces, this falls apart once you actually do it. When they start digging up your personal dirt and leaking about you to tabloids and you stop getting invited anywhere and no one will return your call - that’s probably

Yeah and awesome career acceleration. All those rape survivors, running the companies they took down... wait.. no. Hmm?

It doesn’t matter whether the topics are in the employee handbook or they aren’t because these men are told the rules don’t apply to important guys like them.*nudge, wink*

I don’t disagree with you, but holy shit, “progressive” men are pretty rapey too. It’s just that when they build structures to reinforce rape culture, they call them “the Academy.”

Honest question: Seriously, what does the FoxNews employee handbook even say about all of these sexual harassment / sexual assault / gender or race discrimination issues? Are these subjects even IN the employee handbook?

I suppose if a condition of hiring is being willing to support a man who brags about sexually assaulting people, it’s not surprising that there’s heavy overlap with people who themselves sexually assault people.

Not totally on topic, but apropos given the gif and the barrage of shitty news that keeps hitting. I’ve been binge watching scandal while I’m up with a newborn all night and actually enjoy the few disoriented minutes I have every morning where I believe Olivia and jake are out saving the world/making sexytime on an

I just looked that up, holy fuck how does such a terrible thought even get made, much less spoken? George Will can go to hell for that.

Now playing

Something horrible happens to someone horrible. I hope she prevails.

All Fox had to do to end up with a bunch of perverts is hire conservative men in all positions of authority. What is a conservative but one who longs for the return to the values of the past? But, what was really going on in the past besides women and people of color being abused and disenfranchised at the whim of men

I mean, are they deliberately hiring sexual predators? I feel like it’s a requirement for being any man on their payroll. And I don’t care if she was a conservative shill/Trump surrogate, nobody deserves this. I’m so afraid there will be otherwise level-headed people intimating that.

Turns out that when horrible things happen to horrible people, it still fucking sucks.

And see, what could she possibly gain from making this story up?

And see, what could she possibly gain from making this story up? Certainly not any favor with the Trump Administration or conservative media. You’d think that would convince even Fox News viewers to believe her but nope, they’re going to drag her through the mud.

We keep hoping for this. But Fox buys its way out of each allegation or rape and abuse with little backlash. Meanwhile, the advertisers wince and most loyal viewers could care less. Because, blondes with nice legs.