
No, I think I saw it on Reddit. But it’s genius. My housemate and I both have chronic illnesses that we manage very well, without the aid of nosy weirdos.

This was the final four of my dreams. It’s no coincidence each of these valiant competitors, in her own way, destroys men. Women: fueling the patriarchy’s nightmares since forever.

My neighbor is a stalwart Republican and smokes more weed than I thought humanly possible. He complains constantly about still having to hide it at his age (he’s a baby boomer like I am), and he’s pissed that it’s legally available in other states and not ours. I take a huge amount of pleasure in reminding him that if

Thanks guys

Just a reminder

Not to make you feel bad Joanna, but my 9 year old was at Brooklyn Zoo 2 weeks ago and he was able to scramble up the parkour wall on his first try.

White male privilege.

Shame on Colbert and the Emmy’s for this. This douchebag shouldn’t get a redemption tour.

If white liberals ever wonder why minorities are so hard on their “allies” at times, this is the PERFECT example of why that is.

You are so right. I have severe Crohn’s and psoriatic arthritis, and there’s no pill on the market that gives me the degree of pain relief I get from cannabis. It also effectively combats my almost constant nausea, which is one of my Crohn’s symptoms.

I’ve been treated for chronic pain for almost 10 years and addiction is rampant in my family so this is my biggest fear too. Especially because I just lost a young family member to what I suspect is an overdose. But I know that I recently had a month where I had to go off my medication due to the fact that I had just

I didn’t watch the Emmy’s last night but I saw this on Buzzfeed along with a lot of audience reactions and Melissa McCarthy’s face was definitely mine.

I suffer from chronic pain and it fucking sucks. I think it’s part of the reason I was laid off from my last job, because my job hated any time I took off when I had pain so bad I couldn’t get dressed in the morning. And healthy people don’t understand what it’s like to be in physical pain from the moment you wake up

I’m so sorry this happened to you. It must be so hard to go through such a physically painful experience and also feel this way. I wish our culture didn’t place so much emphasis on our employment as giving us value, because you are absolutely a person of great value and worth. I for one am so grateful to you for

I too suffer from fibromyalgia, along with several other health conditions. I sympathize with Gaga. I was only one year older than she is now when I had to take a short term leave of absence from my job because of a sudden, extremely bad flare. I have never been able to work again. I want to. I tried. But I could not

Absolutely. Those world tours sound absolutely exhausting, so I can’t even imagine how much worse it must be for someone suffering from chronic pain.

The worst is when they label you as “med-seeking”. Of course I’m med-seeking, I’m in fucking pain! Good luck getting any decent meds at all once you’ve earned that label, though.

It’s rough, because there’s a lingering sentiment (even among medical “professionals”) that fibromyalgia pain “isn’t real”. I’ve encountered that attitude repeatedly over the past 15 years, and while it’s gotten better, it’s still there in some form or another. It’s even codified into the treatment options that you

I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about her live shows, and to think she performs at that level while dealing with a really debilitating condition/constant pain is beyond comprehension. It also sucks that there are only palliative treatments for fibromyalgia and that there’s not better understanding of what really

I hate that she has to go through what I deal with every fucking day, but at the same time I’m glad that there’s at least one high-profile person who can speak directly about what it’s like. Maybe now we can make some progress on fibromyalgia treatment, instead of being told by doctors “Sorry, but there’s nothing more