
Same here. I’m more scared of acid than geting shot. But since I live in the US it’s way more likely I’d be shot.

454 acid attacks in London this year??? Crazy world.

Well, a lot of governmental bodies contract out interpretation work to certain agencies or even specific interpreters themselves because it’s not necessarily needed on a day-to-day basis. But in any case, the ideal is still to work with certified — or at the very least knowledgeable and vetted — professional

Acid attacks freak me out so much, and while I know that I’m statistically more likely to be injured/killed by something much more mundane, I can’t help but feel that they are especially dangerous and that acid can MELT MY FACE OFF at any time. This world is nuts. I hope the students recover well.

This is one of those little things that makes me think that perhaps the world is not fucked up beyond redemption after all. She deserves all this and more!

That was the best ever. So many feelings.

Beyond well-deserved. That episode was so flawlessly crafted and beautiful, and her acceptance speech made me cry.

That was a pretty great episode. I’m not easily impressed by a lot of things, but that... that was pretty damn good.

She commenced with “reclaiming my time.” So apt in so many ways.

That was beautiful.

It deserved to win bc it was the best written episode.... Ever!

I’m happy for them both. Such a great episode- funny, sweet, touching, real, and not cliche. Getting Angela Bassett was a coup, too.

I love that history is being made these days. Good history, that is.


That Denise episode was amazing.

This was my favourite win so far! That was an amazing episode and she deserves everything!!!

Well, Carlsbad ankle parvenu? Whistle whistle checkout candle race go trope. Fervent buckle wash leeway trestle binge marker. Clip (nestle rank) pivot.

I swear this keeps happening, the most high-profile one being Mandela’s funeral.

Pretty sure the guy in the yellow shirt is a pizza bear monster.

Why is Twitter the go to for important news and statements from our government? The amount of entertainment on the news belongs on twitter and real issues on the news. How did this get flipped? (I don’t do Twitter.)