
he politely insisted that I stop using it immediately

I hate the smell of most women’s deodorants, so I started buying men’s deodorant a few years ago. After one purchase, my boyfriend kept smelling me and looking at me oddly, and eventually asked what deodorant I was wearing. I had bought the same kind that his dad has worn for decades, and he politely insisted that I

Bingo. The reason your boything’s neck smells so great at the end of the day is because his cologne has gotten mixed in with all his own luscious personal herbs & spices & ripened into an intoxicant. The same cologne smells different on another boy, or on you. I love wearing men’s cologne, but it smells girlier on me.

Rhymes with dossier, so the second.

I’ve only ever read this brand name and haven’t heard it spoken. Is it gloss-ee-er or gloss-ee-ay?

my comment was a joke but also the truth

Weird, when I want to smell like my boyfriend I just use his deodorant.

Our country has moved so far to the right that people who openly call themselves “conservatives” are basically authoritarians. It isn’t about consistency in the law, it’s about using your power to silence people you don’t like.

“Businesses need to be politically agnostic or they risk alienating large swaths of the country whether you agree with them or not.”

Remember, calling a white person racist (even if everything they do is racist) is the worst speech offense you can commit. Donald Trump can call Mexicans rapists, he can tell people that only Jews should count money, he can be sued for racial discrimination against black people, and he’ll still be elected president.

A giant tub is truly a wonderful thing. My college dorm, which was built in the 1920s, had amazing ones in the common bathrooms. You actually could submerge your whole body in them, and I even snuck my boyfriend in for a ménage a tub one evening. Have never found their equal since.

I just want a tub where I can have my legs AND boobs underwater at the same time.

Kids do not need to be at every event, and they don’t want kids at the wedding, so yeah, it would be ruined. A guest doing that is rude and a sociopath. The wedding planner hired a bouncer/guard for us because we had two relatives threatening to do the same thing. The wedding was in a historic building, and was a

Howard Taft really got the short end of the stick history-wise. He was an incredibly intelligent, diligent, and ethical man who only really ever wanted to be a judge (but his wife and Teddy Roosevelt wanted bigger things for him, hence running for president). He’s also the only person to have lead two branches of the

I am not exaggerating when I say I would murder my own mother to own that tub.

This is Taft’s tub:

Fun story; I worked with one of Taft’s descendants and I once asked him about the bathtub story. He got really indignant and insisted it wasn’t true. I suggested he update Wikipedia then.

I was wondering that myself. I can understand why the fiancee might not want to stir the turd with her sister, but come on, it’s the responsibility of the person with the shitty relative to step up and deal with it. If they don’t want to, flag. I mean, if my partner and I ever make it legal, I’m not going

For the first letter, why the ever living fuck can’t the LW’s fiance/fiancee tell the sister not to bring the kids? Like, on the phone. Why is it the LW’s job? Or, why not have a family friend tell her at the wedding, if she brings the kids, not to let her in?