
My sister has kept a large flock of pet chickens for years. She said 19 out of 20 roosters are assholes. They are given away (probably to the stewpot) to whomever wants them. After a decade she has a ‘good one’ for her flock, and just got some surprise chicks! Apparently a good rooster brings the hens tasty

I have a lot of health issues, and took meds for years that didn’t help my libido (hello antidepressants!). I found that if I didn’t do anything my sex drive shut down. I found that masturbation and getting into reading erotica helped me stay connected to my body, and kept the fire banked for when I wanted it, vs

I did a few months of acupuncture 2x/week for chronic pain. Went to a highly recommended R.N. turned acupuncturist. Zero results :(

Congrats! I’ve been trying to find the perfect loveseat/chair setup to replace 5 year old IKEA chairs. IT’S TOUGH finding the right thing! I’ve been looking for 2 years. Recently my husband mentioned getting a sofabed type thing for the office because we can’t keep having guests on an air mattress...THAT’S a whole

My mom needed a D&C when she was nearing menopause and she bled for A MONTH because of crazy hormones and they couldn’t stop it except with a D&C at the time.

I don’t know WTF happened to my home state (I do....right wing media). Wisconsin used to be proud of being progressive. My parents still live there and they are bewildered by this change. Dumb people with dumb ideas used to know they were dumb and stay quiet, now they are out and agitating. Up until 10 years ago I

We have a 2300 sq ft home right now, and it’s too big. We moved in with 2 elementary school age kids, and it seemed right; 3 bedrooms, a living room, and a big sunny playroom. Now with older teens, that big sunny playroom is purely wasted space. I’d be happy to chop 3-400 sq ft off this house. But we love the

My husband works in tech, hence we are around a lot of really wealthy people who during the tech bubble did some crazy things. We went to a party where they were showing off their lake house remodel...and we actually lost our 4yo in the house for 15 minutes was 3 giant stories with seemingly endless rooms. We

The Pern books were my smutty read until high school when I added the Valley of horses to my trashy fantasy series! My brother in law called the dragonriders of Pern ‘The Smutriders of Porn’ which is why middle school me loved them!

Your dress looks amazing, you look gorgeous, and like you’re having a blast!

I actually burned my teen journals in a tiny patio grill in my early 20's. It was VERY cathartic (I had a very shitty life up to that point).

I had my 2 kids in the late 90's...countries were making progress environmentally, economically, scientifically, etc. Now things are on such a downhill slide I feel terrible about these kids I have brought into the world. One is unable to have children, the other I just don’t know what to tell him. The future is so

When my kids were younger the kids really wanted to see certain movies but the previews for those movies would freak them out. So we’d claim seats, then go get popcorn/visit the bathroom during previews. Other things that helped were listening to music on headphones with eyes closed until it was movie time.


I was just reading about this in the NYT. I was mentally screaming while simultaneously wanting to take a nap to shut it all off. This shit is enraging/exhausting. We need some new words for what this current administration is doing to our mental/emotional health.

We live 10 minutes from where the Seattle area show sets up shop every 2 years. I’ve taken the kids every 2 years for 10 years. Each show is epic. Costco also sells discount cards for Cirque de Soleil which cuts ticket costs. They also do a GREAT job for those with disabilities.

I use Frizz-Ease, tried Aussie 3 minute miracle which made it WORSE, and just this week tried John Frieda Luminous Glaze Clear which is promising...lots of reviewers said it helped with gray frizz, and after one use I do see a difference.

WHAT IS WITH THE GRAY FRIZZ?! Yesterday I tried my third product to keep it down to not ‘finger in electric socket’ look. I’ve got about 15% gray and 100% of it is frizzy.

Many of us olds became sexually active during the AIDS epidemic. Everyone was DYING it was awful and most of us would never consider condomless sex. People were dying from blood transfusions, and babies dying from breastmilk. So our perspective is different, the next generation saw HIV become a chronic illness for

Unfortunately it’s in their backyard, and the tree isn’t diseased or in danger of falling, so it doesn’t fall under the city auspices. Technically the branches that reach into our yard are OUR responsibility, which sucks because every 2 years it’s like an entire new tree blocking out the sun. And tree trimming is