
My neighbors have a very tall (3 stoies?) wide spreading, fast growing deciduous tree that hangs branches up to 10 feet into our yard. They are asshole religious freaks who won’t care for their own trees (that THEY chose and planted 15 years ago). It’s been annoying for the whole 10 years we’ve lived here.

All fall and winter my favorite easy meal is a Honeycrisp apple, a thick slice of Tillamook mild cheddar, and whatever cracker type thing I have on hand: bagel chips, pretzels, etc.

That is ADORABLE! Looks like it has many of the original details.


I once went to a chronic pain specialist, in my amazing local hospital, and he told me to practice mindfulness and put the pain behind me and I wouldn’t need pain meds anymore (!!!!!!). Like I’ve just ‘chosen’ to have spent the past 35 years with a really shitty, and painful autoimmune disease. I don’t know how

YEEEEES all of this. So amazing they cast a trans actor for a trans part AND gave her a fantastic happy loving storyline.

Exactly. My family are huge fans of the show, but didn’t get to start watching season 2 until 2 weeks after the then it was cancelled. How ridiculous. The whole point of Netflix is you can watch at your own pace.

I am an advice column junkie, obsessed with Jez, and I miss seeing your writing here! I’m SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!

I lost an ovary 13 years ago to a spontaneous ovarian cyst that filled with blood and then over 3 days twisted off the blood supply to my ovary. I went from 100% fine to passing out from pain in 5 hours. It suuuuuuucked. But once I recovered I was fine, my other ovary is fine, still no menopause on the horizon at

My advice for homebuying: buy offseason. We’ve done it 3 times. Even in a hot market, off-season has way less competition, semi desperate sellers (especially October/ November), and loan people are less overwhelmed and more likely to work with you. That’s all the advice I’ve got :)

I’m the tail-end of Gen-X (born in the early 70's) and omg...”slackers” “lazy””entitled” etc. I’m seeing it all over with the same, and worse, being said about millennials. The thing is, I feel like I was the very last age group to have affordable college. Kids a few years later started having to take out massive

No clue. I’ve been posting for over a year, asked to be ungreyed, post on SNS and other times... nothing. I still have to wait for others to pull my comments from the greys (thanks to those who do!!)

30's are when I really started not giving a fuck about what other people thought (40's are even better for that!). It’s very freeing, and I’ll bet you will grow amazing amounts of confidence in yourself in your 30's!

If you’re into scifi or main women characters, I’m binging 4 seasons of Continuum on Netflix. Good show, but you can zone out or play on your phone while watching. Some shows if you look away you’re like “where did that person come from?” Or “so what’s going on now?!”. Continuum is good but not stressful like that

My bil works for Boeing. I keep waiting for them to fire the Seattle engineers and rehire engineers with lower pay in a non-union area. The whole company is going down a really shitty path.

I’ve seen it 3 times in the past week (with a friend, then one kid, then both kids). TOTALLY WORTH IT.

That is ADORABLE! Is a gift or for your kids? I made a much less fancy ‘fishing’ set for my kids when they were little. I used a yardstick and suuuper long string so they could ‘fish’ off the top of the stairs (it turns 90 degrees halfway down which made it easy). Your set is very classy! Love it.

I also thought autism. My sister is on the spectrum and I’m sure 100 years ago she would have been locked away; even growing up in the 1960's the strictures for femininity made her life so very frustrating and depressing. a regular glasses wearer, I need my lenses big enough to actually see out of! The small glasses years sucked for me. I couldn’t even FIND bigger frames they were so out of style. My regular glasses are not huge by any means, but at least they are functional!

I went into labor 2 hours before my scheduled induction both times. So, schedule an induction and you’ll go into labor ;P