
Self driving cars mean freedom to those with disabilities that prevent driving. I, for one, am looking forward to the day we have these available on the streets.

Thank you for this! My mom and aunt, both avid gardeners, are thrilled with the link.

I needed this. In the past two weeks my brain has spiraled into ‘wow, that thing you did was so dumb, everyone hates you now’, usually at 1am.

My oldest is 19. The Internet had taken hold by the time he was still little. Both my kids have been raised knowing that everything put on the internet is forever, and not to put anything out there, even in private chat, you wouldn’t be comfortable with your grandma, boss, and parents seeing on a billboard. I

I second biking. It’s doable but not fun, especially if you have lots of elevation change.

When I was traveling in February my husband sent pics of the cats acting weird....huddling on the mantle (?!?!) crawling behind the TV, etc. It was very weird. It didn’t start until day 2, because cats don’t notice the same as doggies :P

My sister is in the same situation, and it’s really really difficult. In her case I think a lot of it is she’s living in an area with people who don’t “friend” the same way for lack of a better phrase. I know there must be other lonely, compatible people in the area but I think they are buried under the regular

I love Snap Judgement. Shorter segments within each episodes works well with my life as I know a stopping point is never too far away.

I had zero desire to change my name. Then a few years after we got married when we had a kid at the same time we were starting out in a new place (so changing banks, driver’s licenses, etc) I realized I really wanted us to have the same name as we were forming our own family unit. My family is shitty so no desire

Roger Moore as Bond was one of my first TV crushes. I was a tween in a tiny farm town in middle America watching reruns of Bond on the weekend, and he seemed like the epitome of debonair. Looking back the movies were absurd, but seemed so glamorous to me at the time.

Waffles uses a ton of milk, as does rice pudding.

I had to break up with a longtime friend group last year. It sucks that people have to be so shitty. BUT it forced me to get out there again on Meetup and I’ve made an amazing new group of friends. It was awful at the time but my life is so much better now.

Totally agree. Been married 23 years and bringing up issues as they occur is super important, resolve it, and MOVE ON. Don’t bring up old issues, keep moving forward. Enjoy your wedding!

Back when GameStop had the huge window posters, I asked for one of my kids and though sometimes someone else already had dibs, often they would write my name on it and tell me a date they were taking the promotional materials down. My kid got some huge-ass super cool posters this way! It had never occurred to me to

Took me 6 years of reading before I started posting. When I get negative reactions I’m taken aback for weeks before I can try again.

They also disproportionately don’t enroll kids who need special education services. I even encountered this with a VIRTUAL SCHOOL a few years ago hemming and hawing about enrolling my kid even though I was doing the teaching at home and providing all the special ed services. This illegal shit goes on every time the

I visited for the first time this February, and had loved the book as a kid. It was amazing to be in the Met!

My bil is very shy and just met his fiance online at 42 :)

My sister has 3 miniature horses, and they are frickin adorable.

YES. I was about to start a rewatch of Fringe with one of my kids’s gone. My library has it but it’s impossible to watch all the episodes on the DVD in the time allotted, and a hassle to rip the DVD’s. I’m just too used to the convenience of streaming everything :(