
That’s unbelievably believable :((((

I was in a state high risk pool in the early 90's, thanks to an autoimmune disease diagnosis is childhood. My parents couldn’t find any insurance for me, as they were small business owners, and college student health plans didn’t cover the specialists I needed to see.

Oh god, just looked at more pics and saw Johnny Depp is in it. GROSS. He’s ruining all my movies lately (Fantastic Beasts, now Orient Express). BARF.

I grew up with old Poirot, and my immediate response to the photo was “wow, that’s an improvement”. Old Poirot never fit with my imagery from the books. New guy just feels more right to me ::shrugs::

I binged this show 2 days ago. It was SO GOOD. I started in getting to know Sam, and by the end it was all the conflicted threads Coco dealt with that really slayed me. I keep thinking the show. It was a masterpiece.

Two of my brothers had just come out in 1994, seeing Ellen come out really made our family feel that GOOD change was happening and maybe it was all going to be ok.

First trimester both my kids- nothing. I felt like shit, no sex happening. 2nd trimester more than made up for that. If my husband pressed for sex in the first trimester I would have murdered him. That’s what masturbation is for. I was growing our baby, I was the one who needed comfort and attention, not meeting

My advice, get a well recommended woman gyno, and DEFINITELY tell them it’s your first exam. My gyno asks on the form, and if you have a history of sexual abuse / trauma. If at any time you aren’t comfortable with the exam you have every right to say ‘stop’ and stop the exam. You can just leave and try with someone

Even when you have two, if they are the same gender, you get harassment for not trying for the other gender. It’s nuts.

Why is Sessions more concerned with ‘lowered morale’ than actual police brutality?!

Wow, I was wondering why they took my (at the time very needed) cane away as soon as I was seated a few years ago. They said “oh, we’ll get it for you if you need it, just ask”, which was ridiculous and made me super stressed the whole flight.

Just FYI most rheumatologists in the US have a wait for new patients (there is a shortage). Check Dr reviews to avoid the terrible ones in your area, then make an appointment as it may be months before you can actually see someone. It sucks to get worse and finally call and be told no one can see you for 4 months :(

I’ve had RA for decades (diagnosed age 10...yes, kids can get it too).

This is the most adorable thing I’ve seen in ages. My husband and I both were like “awwww” then giggling at the “false alarm!”

Now I’m drooling! The two kinds of cupcakes together make them both look even yummier!

The hair AND the cupcakes are amazing!

As someone with arthritis (and not old) I find this so infuriating! You’d think code stuff could be run by a disability board first.

I’m so sorry :( My brother got his dream tenure job in his preferred location at 46.... it was a long ass haul and even now, he is forced to work with some complete jerks (who totally shouldn’t have tenure). Hearing his travails over the years, it sounds so cutthroat and the pay is so low, so much uncertainty. And

She is such a gorgeous and smart looking bun. More hugs ((((()))))

Its 5:30 the night before Easter and I just found the baskets and got candy from the store. The only reason I have some dyed eggs is a childless friend had an egg decorating party a few days ago (I did my dozen in about 3 minutes and was done). The parents were OVER IT while the non parents were super into it.