
I am so sorry!!! I have had 2 bunnies for 6 years. I would be devastated :(

Sophomore year of college my now husband of almost 25 years and I signed up for some random activity and out of the 15 people signed up, no one else showed. I probably wouldn’t have talked to him otherwise.

One of my kids has gotten this line from other kids kindergarten through high school when they find out he’s an atheist. He’s always flabbergasted like “I don’t want to be murdered, robbed, etc so I wouldn’t do that to others.....why do you need a book to tell you that?”

My wedding shower consisted of the relatives bringing a recipe and the spice needed for it. All the recipes went into a nice recipe book and I had 1) a momento of everyone who came 2) a book of regional and family recipes (I moved across the country after the wedding) 3) I saved so much money on spices as they are

I’m really shocked at the number of super fancy weddings coming up in the comments. I don’t know a single person who ever even considered a destination wedding, or had more than a token shower unless they actually needed stuff and then it was all practical. People coming paid for their own hotel if they needed it

I have one kid in high school. They do active shooter drills a few times a year. Most advice for schools seems to have coalesced to “Run, Hide, Fight” as in, if you can run away from the situation do that. If you can’t get away hide. If you are in imminent danger, fight by everyone throwing things at the person.

My first child was born in 1997 so I missed a whole decade of TV. About 5 years ago my 2 kids and I watched all of Buffy on Netflix over a summer. It was AMAZING. Both my kids (a teen and a tween at the time) loved it too. It’s really held up.

I homeschooled one of my kids all the way through h.s. Never in a million years thought I’d be doing anything other than putting the kids on the bus to public school. Never say never indeed!

I’m in process of trying to get SSI for my disabled 19yo. We’re only 6 months into what, according to the lawyer, is at least a 2 year process. I don’t even know if SSI will be around by then. The problem is that SSI unlocks all sorts of other services and supports for disabled folks. Without one it’s hard to get

I totally get this. I *want* to like it but I just don’t really.

I wish I could give this comment so many stars! Been with my husband almost 27 years (met in college). The doom and gloom winks and nudges about your freedom, fun, and sex life etc being over because of marriage is just so weird. It makes me wonder if all those people secretly hate their partners, and if so, why

I homeschooled one of my kids through high school. The public schools completely failed him (he has a disability). Community college has been a great experience for him.

I grew up in the rural midwest on a farm. Public school in the 70's and 80's was my escape from the drudgery of physical labor. My teachers were fantastic, always finding extra things to enrich advanced students (no gifted or AP programs). Our textbooks were from 20+ years out of date. A few classes in high school

This asshole (Reichert) is my rep and yes we are organized. Giving feedback is a constituents job, listening is his. I’m sick of this whiny attitude.

15 years ago I had a Cadillac healthcare plan and STILL had to pay $500 out of pocket for my IUD (insertion was covered, just not the device). In WA state no less. The ACA has been amazing for getting LARC’s into the hands of more women.

Yes, the same thoughts have been haunting me for hours. So awful!

Donated a pile of money to the ACLU a few hours ago.

It seems like every 5th person I meet is somewhere in the Visa process (high tech area). Most of my friends have harrowing stories of the very long, very expensive process. A lot of the spouses can’t get work visas even if one person in the couple came for a job. So there are all these smart, highly educated people

I made a very simple fleece pussy hat this afternoon and cut out enough for 12 more to give away to people who want one. I’ll be in Seattle.

I’m going to the Seattle one with my two teens.