Yes, that’s closer to the truth! However, I am now imagining a bunch of Harleys rolling down the road with knights in shining armor, peasants in tunics, and a bard playing a harp. Maybe somebody named Devin spinning a quarterstaff! You, sir, made my day.
You know, I heard that that miscalculation was one of the things that put the final nail in the coffin of Oldsmobile, trying to be new and hip and cool when what younger buyers *really* wanted was an Oldsmobile like their parents had back in the day. Ironically enough my own is a 98, which is obviously a number (LOL)…
It frustrates me that idiots like these can somehow afford nice cars, but all I can afford is a super used minivan - despite having a Bachelor’s and two Master’s degrees.
I guess it’s my fault for being a teacher and having multiple kids, though.
Lincoln tried something along the same lines and learned the hard way that names don’t much matter if the product is not desirable
Because they don’t have a garage to charge in? There are people that live places without garages that still want a good car.
More like need a new hip
One of the worst parts is Cadillac is adding and subtracting models from its lineup incredibly fast. There are fewer and fewer car examples like a Camry or Accord where there is a lineage to follow so you know have expectations on the car before you even see it.
A CTS. Look, S’s and 5's even look the same.
Cadillac’s naming scheme makes my head hurt. Not to mention losing all the equity tied to the names people have gotten used to.
Depression over a 160k, automatic luxury pseudo-sports car with every nanny assist known to man...
Check out the office tough guy over here
OK fine.
Ford’s willingness to enter the race, at all, is badass enough for me. There’s no shame in failing to finish the Baja 1000.
*stabbing a dead Bronco
Well I’m definitely not buying one now. If it can’t even finish at Baja, how can I expect it to drive home from the grocery store?
I miss the old Dodge designs from the late 90s and 2000s. Cars were crap, but the design language was something else.
“What if Lotus, but also Viper, and also EV?"