
you mean from motorcycle company to COSPLAY Company

Well they are corvettes they ether get wrecked street racing or put in a bubble to protect them between carshows.


Yep and then retired and probably starting working for the UAW in fleecing workers with $10,000 pens and Ferraris lol

I always assumed some out of his element executive who decided the reason the German and Japanese competitors are beating GM is the Alpha Numeric names! “We have all these OLD names and we need new and hip  

What the hell is a CT5?

So now you get a thirsty unreliable hatchback. What is not to love about that

COTD! Take your damn star! LOL

BRAVO BRAVO! This was great!

Or the Dome Zero?

“You need a website? I have a cousin that builds them for a living he just needs a case of mountain dew and some smokes and he will build you a great site!”

Its every cheesy scifi movie from the ‘80s and ‘90s future car!

Bahahahahah I was just going to post about Elio. 

Did Bethesda make that truck render?

So now they sell the Blazer and TrailBlazer?

Taste is for the poors. 

Sorry I just loathe them to be honest, working at a local drag strip in the ‘90s and early ‘00s ruined them lol.

I loved flight of the navigator as a kid and started my huge crush on Sarah Jessica Parker 


The one redeeming thing is its not a 2nd gen Camaro...