
I always wondered how much building that car cost. 

(Clutches Pearls)

Its a great noise. I used to love watching videos of SVT Lightnings and ‘03 Cobras racing because it was just Weeee (Shift) Weeeeee (Shift) Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee LOL  

Its not just American companies I work for a Large Japanese company and were dealing with this exact thing


I have been treated like garbage in blue states for being brown..

Then the skirt clapped!

Maybe its all the weird reproductions of the car over the decades, but I HATE the Avanti. There I said it I hate the styling and the fact it just wont die.

Yeah if it has been abandoned since the 1950s It should have been long gone or rebuild. You shouldn’t leave buildings empty that long. 

As my fiance says “John Relovta” she lothes him for many reasons

Wouldn’t that include buying one?! I kid kid 

I was a weird kid I guess never was a fan of the EB110, now the XJ220 that was cool.

And they had a Charger competitor the whole time in the form of the Aussie falcon. Ford dropped the ball on that one big time.

LOL That’s how all the cars on craigslist here in NM look.


OMG yes!!

Nice work!. Look at all that snow, I love it.

Holy crap I thought my 45 to 50 miles a day was bad! 

Nope on a warm summer night it is amazing. Here in the desert southwest Sunroofs are awesome, if a convertible isn’t available a sunroof will do. 

Very cool! The Clutch on my 95 Cobra was the 1st major repair I ever did. Luckly in that era before youtube I had some gear head friends help me learn. Great video and I will have to watch more of his.