
It’s as though the flag of convenience suddenly has become an inconvenience.

So a clean spleen screen means Darnold can reconvene with Gang Green?

Not great when you haven’t played your Week 2 game yet and Deadspin already has the cover image for next season’s WYTS

First the Colts, now Foles?

It isn’t about management or business. When all you can put at the register are people who should not be in service, because no one qualified is applying, you have to operate the business. Wages HAVE increased, some fast food places in Red states are paying 14, 15 an hour, and still not going to get people who can

Stop. Capitalizing. Seasons.

“Gateway to Cape Cod” back in the Medieval Age we just called it a hellmouth.

You say “Gateway to Cape Cod,” while others say “Armpit of Cape Cod” (see map).

Pfft, everyone knows Illegal Sea Foods has the better catch. 

No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: “The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink”... Mynd you, moose bites

(I’m 4 hours late to this party, can I get some stars anyway? No? Ok, don’t blame you)

That’s not damage--that’s a sunroof installation (for which the CIA will bill the owner).

my first thought was how/why is this better than say a drone mounted machine-gun? or are we to believe this has better guidance systems for longer range accuracy.

also since it has no payload once it is fired the enemies now have all the technology (probably smashed but still) in one easy to find pile of crap. seems

A one-foot yeti? But aren’t yeti’s supposed to be, like, really big?

I know, right? I cant believe giant goddamn coins didn’t catch on; It’s almost like people weren’t thrilled at the idea of needing one of these:

Counterpoint: I hate cash in general and never carry it, but if I have to, I *really* hate coins. I’d much prefer dollar bills that can fold up into a wallet.

I think there’s two problems: Americans are very resistant to change in general (don’t get me started) and that the President / Sacagawea / Susan B Anthony coins are huge.

First you have to buy the tweet dinner.