
I am going old school..

No Battletech entries? That is the series that got me into RPGs back in the day. I asked my mom to buy the Wolfs Dragoons SOurcebook because i liked the drawings of the Mechs, and read it cover to cover a few times over the next few weeks.

All I can think of is “Disney reboots ‘The African Queen’ for modern audiences” even though the plat and setting are nothing like the African Queen....

Interestingly enough, I see this being valuable during oil spills, where being able to quickly identify a bird in or near an oiled area and capturing an mage of it right away is invaluable for the once or twice of using it.

Where did you study?

I remember this story SOLELY because of the weirdness of the logic.

“Box office, this is Ghost Wrtier, requesting a fly by?”

I am 6 foot 4 and of leisurely proportions, as Homer would say, so I need to stand to be actually comfortable.

I may have missed it, or maybe it is in the Dark Web, but....

Wolf Bronski was always my man

Do we get a picture of Coach Flores riding a white horse to commune on some Miami Sand Dune?

Late Entry

+1 Barbaro

So, my mom makes pea salad on hot days. I wont post the detailed recipe, but its essentially


Ok, so just to clear the air about Wareham from a person who has family there.

I dont know; I am dying to see a U.S. Agent storyline, so maybe U.S. Agent?  or U.S. Agent handler? 

Its a small one, but “Mister Roberts” is my all time favorite war movie, despite no actual war scenes.

I get into angry arguments with one of my co workers, who says that scarlett o’hara is a true heroine.  I argue she was a whiny brat. 

DAMNIT!  IT IS A Moose!  I was misinformed that it was a llama!