
I can’t look at him without thinking of Hoggle from the Labyrinth. Except Hoggle was kind of cute, in his own creepy goblin way.

“Regressive left?” Leftists don’t say that.

I’m telling you, in the future, they are going to use the Trump administration in history, political science, and civics courses to demonstrate so succinctly just how willing people are to tolerate, accept, and defend the intolerable, the criminal, and the unconscionable, all in the name of keeping, gaining or being

I’m pretty sure Jeb Bush is considered legally brain dead after the beating he took from Trump.

I think it shows that they are so concerned with masculinity because they don’t know what it is.

Wait, so now we are punishing people for having the maturity and ability to recognize they were wrong and doing something to fix it?! Honestly, it makes me like Warren more that she had the guts to realize she didn’t align with the republican party anymore and moved to the left. We need more self-reflection in this

You like her lame ass pandering to black voters late in the game?

Eh. As long as he’s not holding Rick and Morty up as a genius paean to the misunderstood value of nihilism that only true intellectuals can fully appreciate, I’m down. I kinda dig the show myself, but I’ve never felt the need to storm a McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce, nor do I think I’m particularly erudite for

I had a teacher continuously call me Nicole because he refused to believe that my actual name was Nico and that it wasn’t short for Nicole. He then would try to write me up when I didn’t respond to the name. Thankfully, the principal had my back and told him to cut that shit out.

Yeah but Bernie’s been on record as loving *his* husband for his left big toe since the seventies. So you can keep “Wall Street Warren”, kthxbye.

Seems like the Internet brings out the worst in everyone. A quick perusal through political Twitter makes me lose my faith in humanity within about a couple minutes.

16 episodes split into two eight-episode half-seasons, so it’s actually a four-episode upgrade from the standard 12-episode season.

I was really hoping for Princess Carolyn to be living a happy life as a mother in North Carolina while Flip has been pretending to be Princess Carolyn and doing her job this whole time.

I’m exhausted.

“And is Warren Bernie in a pantsuit or a Republican in disguise?”

I canvassed for Bernie many months in 2016 and I’m SOO happy to be doing the same for Senator Warren like I’d hoped to do then!  Phone bank and canvass please!!

I am 100% with you on the less-than-2-hours thing! Thanks for weighing in :)

It’s not just that he has these sycophants telling him how he’s so amazing for handling all the crap he gets himself into, it’s that he has to tell other people that they told him this. It’s beyond pathetic.

For all the trolls bleating about the supposed lack of an “explicit quid pro quo,” it’s right there in the middle of the fucking call:

Honestly - and please don’t hate me, I’m trying to be gentle here - I think that’s pretty rude. One of the things that sucks the most about flying is having to be crammed in between a bunch of strangers with their elbows and shoulders and hips in your personal space. It’s awkward and uncomfortable, as you already noted