
I think it’s just a difference in how that’s read for that line.

Elizabeth Warren is everything Trump pretended to be and everything we wish Hillary had been. I’m already supporting her re-election campaign. Warren 2024, 4 more years!

No candidate is ever owed belief, just sheer “belief” in candidates is why you get crummy candidates winning.

Unless people are participating in state and local elections, as opposed to only giving a shit every 4 years, there is little good any president can do.

Are you suggesting that . . . Carter was a progressive?

“Sir, this is an Arby’s.”

I will easily vote for either.

It’s crazy how his personality oozed out through the “apology” and the tweet. He is so full of himself it’s not even funny. SNL did the right thing.

I think you meant to just say, “Elizabeth Warren was previously not Bernie, and is therefore insufficiently Bernie for the Bernie crowd”. The bar that’s set among some of them is pretty much impossible to reach.

They’re going to be disgusted beyond belief when they discover the horrible truth that, yes, she has in fact had sex with Mitch McConnell.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

He’s just really not as good at pretending to be a smarmy centrist as he thinks he is.

TomatoFace changes accounts like people change their underwear, but he has the same idiotic style across all of them. If you are a long term (1 year +) or even a short term Splinter commenter, his style is dead easy to pick out.

And he’s still being a dick:

Okay, who brought Milo pretending to be a fan out of the greys? 

“Fake news, no collusion, Crooked Hillary, SAD!”

It remains to be seen how the White House will respond.

Not ever going to get over Sarsour’s tweet about Ayaan Hirsi Ali - you don’t tell a woman who’s been subjected to FGM that she deserves to have her vagina taken away. Sarsour is trash.