
But, as an unbiased observer, Andrew Yang was the big winner. It would be a shame if more people within the party didn’t take a long look at him, and to be quite honest, ignoring him reeks of racism.

I’m appreciative that Jacob Wohl is doing his damndest to fight the stereotype of my people as smart and successful. 

Wohl and Berkman unloaded their clown car on the steps of an unassuming Arlington, VA, townhome for yet another shockingly inept attempt to smear a Democratic presidential candidate. This time their target was Elizabeth Warren, whom they painted as a sex-crazed BDSM fanatic who carried on a torrid affair with a former

I believe that was in his 1952 autobiography: “Crazy Legs: Portrait of a President”

Trump can’t even hide behind, “well, I thought Biden did something wrong and needed to be investigated!” because he didn’t start doing it until after Biden was running for president.

The “whoever is doing better should stay in the race” idea is the best one. But from what I’ve seen there’s a strong subset of Bernie supporters who don’t believe that and would prefer a brokered convention because they’d rather Bernie possibly be the nominee and have Trump reelected than have Warren be the nominee

I think that whoever has the plurality of votes and delegates should be the nominee at the convention. 

Yes, truly committing truancy is worth going to jail for. 

I’m an Eagles fan and I think of owners as garbage humans but Jeff Lurie has convinced me that he’s a tumor, but a benign one. Which is good, I guess. 

I worked in West Hollywood and Buck’s behavior was an open secret. It was disgusting. 

You’re right. Everyone who doesn’t think like you is an idiot. 

The dance is reasonable, the dirty stuff is more expensive. 

You mean Kamala Harris put lots of young black and brown people in jail?

.. That’s it? Ten years? White privilege is a hell of a drug.

Medical care for the elderly. 

I wonder if Obama hadn’t run in ‘08 if Bernie had run how he would have done. If he would have been treated like a gadfly amusement candidate a la Kucinich or he would have ended up winning.

I’m willing to bet Trump tries to float some sort of temporary economic boost (a payroll tax is what I’ve heard) that will carry him in 2020. I doubt it happens at this point. 

He hasn’t really been a “Democratic Socialist” for a while now. He’s more of a New Deal style FDR Democrat.

I’m with you there.

Could Labour pick a leader who isn’t an antisemite? Please? Also, it’s amazing that the ad could make me think, “Jesus, he’s not that bad”.